An intensive professional development training course on

Innovation in a VUCA World

Leadership Creation, Motivation & Activation

21-25 Oct 2024
24-28 Feb 2025
07-11 Jul 2025
20-24 Oct 2025
Innovation in a VUCA World
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Why Choose Innovation in a VUCA World Training Course?

Understanding the VUCA world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, is an essential leadership dynamic in our current incredibly changing world. Theodore Levitt, a renowned economist, said “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” That truly sums up the dynamics required in a modern VUCA world. The innovative challenge to do new things. It was Socrates the Philosopher, who said “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new.”

This Innovation in a VUCA World online training course will show the leader’s innovative role in developing and motivating successful teams, and how to produce top peak performance. By exploring the leadership role from a number of different perspectives, this online training course will allow delegates to experiment with innovative ways to empower and enthuse their team and influence positively their organisational climate and culture.

This online training course will feature:

  • Learning to use innovative change management dynamics as a strategic training tool
  • Understanding the challenge of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA)
  • Why interpersonal behavioural relationship skills play such a major role in leadership success
  • Creating a proactive team environment
  • Shaping and sharpening a motivated work force
  • Build a pro-active lifestyle to your existing leadership skills

What are the Goals?

By the end of this online training course, participants will be able to:

  • Know how to handle the challenge of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA)
  • Apply strategies for achieving successful leadership personal development
  • Know how to self-coach for peak performance results
  • Know how to practice self and team motivation strategies
  • Increase confidence and awareness of own strengths
  • Develop personal communication skills

Who is this Training Course for?

This online training course is designed to develop essential leadership skills, enabling the transition from a good to an excellent innovative leader. It is designed both for experienced managers wanting to develop further specific leadership skills and for all managers looking to acquire the essential techniques to lead a busy working team.

This AZTech online training course therefore, is suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Upcoming managers / leaders
  • Current leaders who want to expand their leadership skills
  • Top leaders to sharpen them with the latest leadership research dynamics

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech online training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques, to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. 

This online training course will be presented in a highly inter-active manner, with a very impactive computer presentation style.  Individual and group activities will intersperse the sessions, along with appropriate case studies.  Video and role play situations will highlight the major teaching features. 

The Course Content

Day One: Defining the Innovative VUCA Challenge
  • Understanding the VUCA world dynamics
  • Highlighting the challenge of personal development change
  • Handling the change paradigm transition shift
  • Researching the impact of interpersonal behavioural dynamics
  • The strategy of innovative self-coaching
  • Becoming an environmental change agent
Day Two: Innovative Strategies for Success
  • Identifying and case studying the Walt Disney success philosophy
  • Discover Walt Disney’s 5 Key secrets and 9 great character traits
  • How the mind body connection directs the success / failure factor
  • Understanding the power of transformational leadership
  • Attributes and characteristics of a creative leader
Day Three: Developing Essential Innovative Communication Skills
  • How to utilise effective interpersonal communication skills
  • Knowing how to communicate with confidence and impact
  • Understanding the brain in communication
  • How to sharpen your communication skills
  • Understanding positive, win-win assertiveness in leadership
  • Developing powerful listening skills
Day Four: How to Build an Innovative Productive Team
  • The psychology of creating a Team
  • Analysing a team building programme
  • How to build a high-performance team
  • Discovering the qualities for shaping an innovative team
  • How to conduct an effective and productive staff / team meeting
  • Shaping and sharpening a motivated work force
Day Five: Creating Ongoing, Innovative Results
  • How to effectively manage and lead change
  • How to build ongoing, productive, innovative relationships
  • How to utilise empowering decision-making skills
  • Learning Richard Branson’s top 10 strategies for business success
  • Discovering and using the power of appreciation
  • Develop your own proactive plan of action

The Certificate

  • AZTech e-Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the online training course

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