An intensive professional development training course on

Safety Management
Best Practices

New Management Safety Systems

23-27 Sep 2024
Dubai - UAE
27-31 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
16-20 Jun 2025
London - UK
22-26 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE
<b>Safety Management Best Practices</b>
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Why Choose Safety Management Best Practices Training Course?

Is the Management System part of the problem or is part of the solution? Now for the first time there is an ISO standard for Health and Safety Management. How well does your own company’s Health and Safety Standard stand up to this ISO Standard? Nothing stays the same. There are now new Standards for High Hazard Plants, whilst OSHA has recently updated their Guidelines for Safety and Health Programs. This Safety Management Best Practices training course is aimed at providing knowledge on the application of new safety management principles and techniques that are relevant for all sizes of organisations. Safety Management must encompass both the hard and soft aspects of safety to produce an exceptional outcome. The question that remains is what best practice is available that will result in performance excellence.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Control of Major Accidents Hazards & Seveso III for onshore installations
  • ISO 45001 Safety Management Systems
  • New Guidelines by OSHA for Safety and Health Programs
  • Active and Reactive Monitoring and Safety Culture
  • HSE Plans – including Pre-Construction & Pre-Operations Safety Reports

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify key safety Codes of Practice introduced by major organizations
  • Develop best practice for promoting a positive safety culture
  • Calculate Task-based risk assessments
  • Analyse HSE Plans and Pre Construction & Pre Operations Safety Reports
  • Understand Active and Reactive monitoring

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course will be valuable to all involved in Health and Safety, planning, production, maintenance, and construction. Whether experienced or inexperienced this course will be of great benefit to:

  • Senior Managers with responsibilities in Health and Safety
  • Health & Safety professionals
  • Line Managers, Team Leaders and Shift Supervisors
  • Production Engineers
  • Personnel involved in the preparation of Safety Reports

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes exercises, syndicate and group discussion, training videos and discussions.

The Course Content

Day One: Safety Management Systems
  • The Scope and Nature of Health and Safety Management System Overview
  • Case Study
  • OHSAS 18001, ILO OHS 2001, POPMA vs. PDCA
  • ISO 45001 Safety Management System
  • OSHA’s Safety & Health Program Management (Guidelines)
Day Two: Major Hazards Control Best Practice
  • The Safety Case Concept & Elements of Seveso
  • Inherently Safer Designs
  • Emergency Planning and Major Hazards
  • The Role of Human Contribution to Incidents
  • Active Errors, Preconditions and Latent Failures
  • Incident Analysis Techniques - Best Practice
Day Three: Risk Assessment Best Practice
  • Risk Assessment - The Pitfalls
  • How to Make Risk Assessment Effective
  • Evaluation of Risks - Best Practice
  • Applying Task-Based Risk Assessment to Work Permits
  • The Role of Task Analysis and Job-Safety Analysis
  • Case Study
Day Four: Measuring Performance & Safety Culture
  • Measuring Performance – Active and Reactive
  • Key Performance Indicators & Process Safety Performance Indicators
  • Case Study
  • Best Practice Techniques for Promoting Safety Culture
  • Communication, Control, Co-operation & Competence
  • Assessing Improvement and Linking Safety Culture with the HSE Management System
Day Five: Project HSE Plans
  • Construction HSE Plans
  • Pre-Construction & Pre-Operations Safety Report
  • Land Use Planning
  • Safety Instrumented Systems
  • Tank Farms
  • Course Review and Evaluation

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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