An intensive professional development training course on

First Line Manager

Maximising Your Management Potential

23-27 Sep 2024
London - UK
04-08 Nov 2024
Barcelona - Spain
21-25 Apr 2025
London - UK
21-25 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
22-26 Sep 2025
London - UK
03-07 Nov 2025
Barcelona - Spain
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Why Choose First Line Manager Training Course?

The role of the First Line Manager is diverse, covering a wide range of operational, functional and development areas. The role is without a doubt, pivotal in an organisation’s success. It provides the main integration of managing the operations and functional accountability that will define the success and viability of the company. This may be the first managerial position in your career. It is of critical importance that First Line Managers receive the best development in order to succeed in their role.

On this highly interactive and engaging AZTech training course, participants will gain the required knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to lead and manage as First Line Managers effectively. The training course will start with understanding the key components of the role, behaviours and competences. It is important that problem solving, creative, critical and systems thinking is understood in order to make the most effective decision in the workplace. Communication and key interpersonal skills, along with active planning of team resources are subsequently covered, culminating in getting the best out of others through pro-active performance management and on-the-job coaching.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • The importance of the First Line Manager role for organizational success
  • Techniques and skills to analyse risks and problems in order to provide effective decisions
  • Key interpersonal skills needed to influence others through effective work-based communication
  • Essential organising, resource and team planning techniques
  • Methods for developing increased performance

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of the First Line Manager in achieving organisational success
  • Apply key work-based problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making processes
  • Define and apply work-based influence and communication techniques
  • Organise and plan the effective use of Team resources
  • Provide performance management techniques to increase the performance of others

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals working in the First Line Manager role in any industry, but will greatly benefit:

  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Supervisors
  • Newly promoted, or identified future Managers, Team Leaders or Supervisors

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes active discussions, highly engaging exercises, relevant case-studies and targeted videos on the subject matter. In addition, a Personalities Profile Assessment will be used with directed feedback from the Tutor on the results.

The Course Content

Day 1: The Role of the First Line Manager
  • Understanding the First Line Manager Role
  • Key Behaviours, Characteristics and Competence
  • Understanding leadership preference style
  • Maximising your personal Power Bases
  • Applying Emotional Intelligence for order
  • Managing change in the workplace
Day 2: Operational Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Risk analysis and identification of problems
  • Essential work-based problem-solving models and techniques
  • Harnessing the power of Creativity and Innovation
  • Group Think: Application and Analysis
  • Critical and Systems Thinking in work
  • Maximising key decision-making processes
Day 3: Influencing Others for Success
  • Influence or Persuasion?
  • Defining key personalities in the workplace
  • Mastering powerful Interpersonal techniques
  • Overcoming issues using the Golden Phrase of communication
  • Developing personal authenticity, credibility and trust
  • Managing meetings and handover briefings
Day 4: Organising and Managing Your Team Resources
  • Time management: ‘Killers and Liberators’
  • Essential Project Planning and Organising skills
  • Allocating resources effectively and efficiently
  • Motivation - defining need to lead others
  • Effective delegation & Job Enrichment
  • Team dynamics and structure for high performance
Day 5: Managing Others Performance for Operational Excellence
  • Unlocking people performance and potential
  • Setting goals and objectives for increased performance
  • Work place Coaching for maximum results
  • Continuous improvement through individual feedback
  • Practical: Performance Exercise
  • Review and Next Steps

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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