An intensive professional development training course on

Essential Skills for Internal Auditors

28 Apr-09 May 2025
Istanbul - Turkey
08-19 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE
Essential Skills for Internal Auditors
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Why Choose Essential Skills for Internal Auditors Training Course?

The Structure

This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual, 5 Day training courses.

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
Module 2 - Report Writing and Communication Skills for Auditors

The Course Content

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
Day One: Internal Audit in the Context of Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Governance; Definition, Concept, Rules, Principles
  • What are the obstacles and barriers to implement effective governance?
  • The Risk, Compliance & Internal Audit Triangle
  • Role of Audit Committee in checking audit notes (internal/external) among Board’s important committees’ roles and responsibilities
  • Using internal and external audit standards to audit Governance activities
  • Key components, practices and activities to audit processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and governed
Day Two: Fundamentals and Basics of Audit; Evolution of Auditing towards Risk-Based Auditing
  • Definition and objectives of internal audit with understanding of Internal Audit Methodology
  • Auditors Tools, Techniques, roles and responsibilities
  • Report results of the audit via Field Memorandum
  • The transition from system-based to risk-based internal auditing
  • Risk-Based Audit Approach and Risk-Based Audit Methodology
  • How and why audit units move into risk-based audit programs
Day Three: Preparing and Executing a Successful Risk-Based Audit Plan
  • Developing risk-based audit plan
  • Preparation of a clear plan to be approved by Audit Committee
  • Efficiency in the non-recurrence of Audit Notes
  • Identification and classification of audit risk
  • Writing Audit Report; how to impress reader and how to address challenges
  • How to structure effective audit report
Day Four: Relationship Between Internal Audit & Risk Management
  • Fundamental Concepts of Enterprise Risk Management
  • Identifying different types of Risk Taxonomies
  • Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA)
  • What is operational risk management framework?
  • Definition and objectives of internal controls; roles and responsibilities
  • Latest trend in Auditing: Auditing the Control Environment
Day Five: The Evolution of Compliance Towards Risk-Based Compliance
  • What is risk-based Compliance?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the Compliance Head?
  • International Standards for Anti-Money Laundering / Combatting Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)
  • Money Laundering Threats and Methods
  • Terrorist Financing Threats and Methods
  • International Case Study: HSBC in USA and Mexico - Case Study on Money Laundering Threats and Methods
Module 2 - Report Writing and Communication Skills for Auditors
Day Six: Audit Reports – Your Shop Window
  • The challenges of audit reporting
  • The main problems with audit reports
  • The need to create impact
  • Analysis of 4 actual reports
  • Evaluation of your own reports – using a proven method
  • The Executive summary
Day Seven: Best Practice Audit Reports
  • The psychology of audit reports
  • Writing reports with impact
  • The need to make reports more positive
  • How to simplify the content
  • Highlighting the issues that really matter
  • Improving the review process
Day Eight: Keeping the Report as Simple as Possible
  • The main report
  • Writing a clear, concise report
  • Forming and expressing the audit opinion
  • Recommendations and action plans
  • Finalising the report
  • The need for follow-up – should this be carried by IA?
Day Nine: Effective Communication – the Key Audit Goal
  • The challenges for auditors
  • The characteristics of effective communication
  • The impact on productivity of clear communication
  • Interpersonal skills for auditors
  • Influencing
  • The power of senior management and stakeholder engagement
Day Ten: Negotiation and Listening
  • The power of Effective negotiation
  • Negotiating during each audit phase
  • The need for win-win solutions
  • Listening - the most important audit skill?
  • Types of listening and the importance for IA
  • Time Management

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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