An intensive professional development training course on

Certificate in Agile Leadership:
Fit for Future Leader

Developing Teams that Deliver & Maximise Value

Classroom Sessions

28 Oct-01 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
09-13 Dec 2024
Barcelona - Spain
23-27 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
13-17 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Apr 2025
Dubai - UAE
28 Jul-01 Aug 2025
London - UK
27-31 Oct 2025
Dubai - UAE
22-26 Dec 2025
London - UK

Online Sessions

23-27 Sep 2024
12-16 May 2025
22-26 Sep 2025
Certificate in Agile Leadership:  Fit for Future Leader
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Why Choose Certificate in Agile Leadership Training Course?

Massive advances in technology combined with political uncertainty and associated market volatility mean that today’s work environment is required to embrace change. If you, your team or your organization is resistant to new demands, processes or opportunities, you may lose competitive advantage. So how do we identify the need for change and respond effectively without throwing our work and the work of our teams into chaos?

As the Digital Transformation age gathers pace, some organizations have embraced a new management thinking and are enjoying a sustained competitive advantage, faster speed to market, increased customer satisfaction and superior profits. This AZTech training course is designed to equip delegates with the knowledge, tools and techniques that they may apply to develop an agile leadership culture within their working environment.

This training course will feature:

  • Governance of teams and work approaches
  • Agility and why agile approaches work
  • Team leadership through self-organization
  • Dominant agile approaches – SCRUM and KANBAN
  • How agility drives continuous improvement

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the situations in their organization where traditional portfolio governance and project approaches are underperforming versus the new management practices
  • Understand why facilitating the emergence of new ideas and requirements can lead to greater employee motivation and superior delivery of value to the organization
  • Analyze their own work situation to determine where agile tools and techniques will be of benefit
  • Appreciate the power of teamwork and the necessity to support teams with effective structures
  • Lead a team in the implementation of a continuous improvement culture

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is targeted at both management and employees. The course is designed to clearly explain formal management approaches and enable delegates to recognize “warning signals” that indicate when work such as various projects are about to encounter issues. Traditionally, work is organized around logical operating procedures and plan-based projects. Delegates engaged in such work explore other mechanisms to support emergence of work and evolution of work procedures to reflect their own work situation.

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Directors and senior decision-makers
  • Line managers
  • Project managers
  • Various specialist roles engaged in teamwork to deliver value
  • Stakeholders in organizations who influence work (e.g. Quality department)

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The course is highly interactive and is designed with briefings and exploration of different scenarios. A central feature of this training course is an in-depth game that reveals the power of agile application and exposes gaps in our ability to work and lead in an agile manner.

The Course Content

Day One: Traditional Governance Approaches
  • The Nature of Projects and Project Management
  • Line Management Versus Project Management
  • The Project Manager as a Leader – The New Normal
  • The Project Manager as a Leader – Performance Deliveries
  • The Project Manager as a Leader – Interpersonal Skills
  • Governance of Work – Portfolio Management
Day Two: Agile Leadership
  • Agile Leadership: Traditional vs. Modern Approaches
  • Make People Awesome
  • Deliver Value Continuously
  • Make Safety a Prerequisite
  • Experiment and learn rapidly: The Nine Types of Multiple Intelligence
  • Guiding Principles of Agile Leadership
Day Three: Applying Agile
  • Explaining Agile Approaches
  • Agile Application Exercise– Multiple Iterations
  • Applying Retrospectives – Leading Continuous Improvement
  • Applying team decision-making – Creative SCAMPER Technique
  • Applying Agile Estimation – Learning by Doing
  • Reflection on Team Behaviors
Day Four: SCRUM
  • Where did Scrum Come From?
  • The Scrum Framework – More Creative Problem-Solving Techniques
  • Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
  • Scrum Project Management
  • Scrum Applied to Operational Work
  • Challenges to Adoption
Day Five: Kanban
  • The Kanban Approach to Work
  • Delivering a Continuous Flow of Value
  • Kanban and Mindfulness Practices to Lead in Times of Change
  • Kanban vs. Scrum
  • Challenges to Adoption
  • Personal Plan - Setting Agile Life Goals

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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