An intensive professional development training course on

Certificate in Strategic Thinking

Managing Uncertainty and Anticipating the Unexpected

14-18 Oct 2024
London - UK
16-20 Dec 2024
London - UK
07-11 Apr 2025
London - UK
21-25 Jul 2025
London - UK
13-17 Oct 2025
London - UK
15-19 Dec 2025
London - UK
Certificate in Strategic Thinking
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Why Choose Certificate in Strategic Thinking Training Course?

This Certificate in Strategic Thinking training course will enable you to determine and think strategically about the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead for your organisation. The future is uncertain, and it requires us to think deeply to determine the way. That, in turn, makes planning even more necessary. By combining powerful analysis methods with proven thinking tools, you can help your organization to get better at dealing with today’s world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Many managers today say they know that taking time out to think and plan strategically is really important. Research shows us that insufficient time is devoted to actually doing this. This training course is designed to help managers develop efficient ways to achieve strategic thinking for their organisations.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Creativity, Innovation and critical thinking in strategic management
  • Strategic analysis of your industry and environment
  • Understanding Your Organisation's structure, Processes and Culture
  • Formulating and choosing Strategic Options
  • Stakeholder Analysis and management
  • Implementing Strategic Plans to deliver value

What are the Goals?

By attending this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the business model that is the foundation for strategy
  • Use critical and creative thinking to improve your strategy
  • Effectively analyse the external change affecting your organisation
  • Identify your competences and capabilities and check for strategic fit
  • Communicate with stakeholders to gain their commitment and support
  • Develop appropriate and effective alliances and partnerships to help deliver your strategy

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • General Managers
  • Team leaders, Section Heads and Managers
  • Operational Managers
  • Project, Purchasing and Finance Managers
  • Technical Professionals
  • Non-executives

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes a combination of presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by videos, activities and case studies. Daily reflection supports learning and retention of information.

Exercises are chosen to relate to the work experiences of delegates, so they can make connections between theories and their place of work. A safe atmosphere encourages delegate participation and opportunities to share and learn with others.

The Course Content

Day 1: Strategy, Planning and Thinking in Perspective
  • Strategic thinking and planning
  • Operational effectiveness and strategic positioning
  • Understand your business model
  • Strategic analysis of your industry and environment
  • Operational strategic frameworks
  • The process a strategic planning
Day 2: Creativity and Innovation and Critical Thinking in Strategic Management
  • Brainstorming tools for planning
  • Understanding and engaging stakeholders
  • Analysing your business position
  • Applying strategic thinking tools
  • Assessing risk and avoiding pitfalls
  • Corporate culture and attitudes to failure
Day 3: The Process of Planning your Strategy
  • Vision, mission and values form key elements of strategy
  • Checking strategic alignment
  • Planning models for success
  • Considerations for managers to ensure implementation
  • Composing a comprehensive plan
  • Determining how the success of your plan will be measured
Day 4: Successful Communication to Ensure the Plan is Implemented
  • Communicate your plan to achieve your goals
  • Persuade and influence keep follower
  • Visualise your strategic plan graphically
  • Key performance indicators and cascading your objective
  • Communicating and ensuring buy-in
  • Encouraging feedback channels and revising your plan
Day 5: Strategy Execution and Implementation
  • Moving your organisation forward
  • Applying balanced scorecard to measure impact
  • Dealing with resistance barriers
  • Measuring and improving performance
  • Leading teams for successful strategy implementation
  • Reflecting on learning and developing a personal plan

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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