An intensive professional development training course on
Procurement in the
Post Crisis Environment
Risks and Opportunities in the New Normal
Why Choose Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment Training Course?
The Last Three years have seen unprecedented. Disruptions to global supply chains. The global pandemic with shutdowns around the world, the huge spike in demand emerging from lockdown, droughts, fires, famines and even plagues of rodents in Australia alongside the military situation in Ukraine and disruptions to energy markets.
Procurement is so important to organisations, and it has been severely impacted by these disruptions putting procurement into the forefront in organisations. We have to grasp the opportunity, making the most of it ensuring there is a sustainable legacy from it. We know the importance of procurement and supply chain, but it is not always recognised throughout the rest of the organisation.
The success of organisation not only depends on what we do, but also how we manage our suppliers and contractors. Excellent Purchasing Management is a prerequisite in this dynamic environment. In the long term, the pandemic has illustrated the importance of good procurement and commercial teams. In these changing times we need to rigorous with how we operate with better supplier relations including a new era of collaboration in procurement. The coronavirus outbreak has l fundamentally change the way we do business in procurement management. A more cooperative environment for procurement and supply chain professionals may well be one of the long-term key impacts of Covid-19 and other supply chain crises.
This Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment training course addresses these issues in order to continuously improve our procurement operations. In the face of a major global crisis such as the spread of coronavirus, now is the time to step rethink how to protect supply chains as much as possible from the adverse impacts.
This Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment training course will feature:
- Managing Risk with Suppliers
- Developing Resilient Supplier Relationships
- Continuous improvement
- The upstream supply chain
- Managing the contact
What are the Goals?
By the end of This Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment training course delegates will be able to:
- Understand how the procurement function has changed as a result of ongoing Supply Chain Disruptions
- Know how to identify the changes required
- Understand how to improve collaboration with customers and suppliers
- Illustrate the importance of supplier risk management
- Know how to change supplier relationships
- Develop resilience in the organisation’s supply chain
Who is this Training Course for?
This Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:
- Supply Chain Managers needing to understand the implications of the virus on the supply chain
- Purchasing and Procurement personnel who are looking for skills in revised concepts of procurement
- All involved in the acquisition of materials, equipment and services, and who are in organisations whose leadership want high levels of competency in those involved in these activities
How will this Training Course be Presented?
This Procurement in the Post Crisis Environment training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.
The course is highly interactive and will prompt delegates to reflect on their current practices and goals. The tutor will guide and facilitate learning using a wide range of methods including direct input, discussions, case studies and exercises in groups and pairs.
The Course Content
Day One: Understanding Procurement in the New Normal
- How the world changed due to the Pandemic, The Demand spike and ongoing supply chain disruptions
- What is the purpose of a business?
- Dealing with the Problem of being a “go between”
- Purchasing Process and Cycle of Procurement
- Positioning Purchasing within the Company
- The Global Supply Chain
Day Two: Selecting the Right Supplier & Evaluating Performance
- Analysing Value
- Conditioning the Supplier to Meet Your Requirement
- Life Cycle Costing
- The Total Cost Approach to Purchasing
- Using Price Indices
- Performance Evaluation
Day Three: A New Paradigm for Outsourcing
- Is your relationship transactional or outcome-based?
- Defining desired outcomes that are measurable
- Developing an effective outsourcing contract
- Designing a resilient supply chain
- Evaluating cost/service trade-offs
Day Four: Identifying Procurement Instabilities and Risks
- Internal supply chain risks
- PESTLE and external risks
- Risk management principles
- Evaluation and prioritisation of risks
- Contingency and risk management planning
- How The Supply Chain Crises changed our practices regarding Risk
Day Five: Rethinking Procurement and Improving your Results
- Rationale and approach to performance management including Lean
- Identifying, defining, and tracking your metrics
- Incentives and continuous improvement
- Re-engineering supply chains end to end to become resilient
- Organisation development
The Certificate
- AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course
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