An intensive professional development training course on

Personal Skills for Professional Excellence

Innovation & Productivity in the Workplace

07-11 Oct 2024
16-20 Dec 2024
Personal Skills for Professional Excellence
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Why Choose Personal Skills for Professional Excellence Training Course?

Can your organisation and your job survive in today’s turbulent market? The history of the last twenty years records many major companies that have not. Their products and services were ahead of their time, but they overlooked one vital leadership competence – they failed to innovate. They lived on their reputation whilst others took the competitive ground from under their feet, and they are now but warning to others.

We need to learn from their mistakes. Innovation is the key to your future. Improved workplace productivity is essential to your company’s sustainability. This intensive professional excellence training course focuses on the critical skills that will enable delegates to build productive relationships and successfully interact with others in the organisation. Aimed at the driven professional, this training course builds the strategies needed and aligns your commitment to personal improvement that will enable you to become that rare high performer that organizations seek to employ, retain and promote.

This AZTech online training course will feature:

  • Creating an agenda of creativity and innovation to meet new challenges
  • Creating value to the organisation through increased personal productivity
  • Managing conflict constructively and fostering a collaborative culture
  • Building a personalized blueprint to enhance your professional reputation
  • Being proactive to lead and initiative action

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech online training course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise personality traits & apply strategies that  will enhance personal & collaborative success
  • Manage conflict & apply interpersonal strategies that will generate productive outcomes
  • Apply basic tools and templates which instil creativity and innovation
  • Appraise current team performance & diagnose action to generate improvement
  • Synthesize ideas to construct an agenda for future personal leadership development

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech online training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals at all levels seeking to improve their personal skills
  • Professionals wishing to enhance their reputation and credibility
  • Professionals seeking a ‘refresher’ training course to enhance their relationship skills
  • Employees identified as ‘high potential’ or ‘fast track’ management candidates
  • Employees seeking supervisory or managerial positions

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech online training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This training course will use the latest thinking in adult learning principles including experiential exercises, self-assessments, video dramatizations, skill-based practices, case studies, and group discussion.

The emphasis will be on applying theory into good practice; all activities will focus on creating personal improvement. Psychometric tools will be employed to offer objective personal feedback and utilised to coach for improvement.

The Course Content

Day One: The Power of Self
  • Building the positive self-image
  • Establishing empowering beliefs
  • NLP and the power of optimism to create the future you deserve
  • The power of proactivity: the first competence on the road to excellence
  • Psychological profiling: the science of personality and performance
  • Professional competence: the added value you bring to the organisation
Day Two: Creating Organisational Value
  • Prioritization and time management: focusing on the critical objectives
  • Taking control: essential tips for personal productivity
  • Transformational objectives: From SMART performance to SMARTER performance
  • Leading productive meetings work: managing appreciating and utilizing diversity
  • Leading meetings with creative flair: thinking differently for new answers
  • Project management overview and fundamentals: first steps
Day Three: Adding Value through Relationship Awareness
  • Micro political conflict in organisations: the transactional analysis perspective
  • Personality traits, behaviours and conflict management
  • Relationship Awareness Theory: managing my personal response to conflict
  • Managing without confrontation: assertive communications
  • Preparing for effective negotiating: influence and the characteristics of world class negotiators
  • Generating Productive Outcomes: the Agreement Box model of ‘win- win’
Day Four: Harnessing Diversity and Creativity in the Team
  • Valuing diversity: working with global, culturally diverse teams
  • The value proposition afforded by High Performing Teams
  • Avoiding dysfunctional performance
  • Grounded theory: needs analysis evaluation of current performance
  • Harnessing diversity for productive outcomes
  • Aligning purpose, productivity and profitability
Day Five: Leading with Initiative: Being Proactive
  • Being proactive and capitalizing on opportunity
  • Leading from where you are in the organisation: building credibility
  • Emotional Intelligence and outcomes
  • Leadership styles and organisational climate
  • Building Trust: the 4 C model to engage and empower others
  • Course review and commitment statement

The Certificate

  • An AZTech e-Certificate will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the online training course

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