An intensive professional development training course on

DMAIC Essentials

Building a Data-Driven Problem-Solving Framework

Classroom Sessions

16-20 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Mar 2025
Dubai - UAE
14-18 Jul 2025
London - UK
15-19 Dec 2025
London - UK

Online Sessions

11-15 Nov 2024
18-22 Aug 2025
20-24 Oct 2025
DMAIC Essentials
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Why Choose DMAIC Essentials Training Course?

This DMAIC Essentials: Building a Data-Driven Problem-Solving Framework online training course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) framework, which is the core methodology used in Lean Six Sigma. Participants will learn how to apply a structured, data-driven approach to problem-solving, enabling them to identify root causes of process inefficiencies, develop solutions, and ensure sustainable improvements. The course focuses on practical tools and techniques to build a robust framework for continuous improvement.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech online training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma and the DMAIC methodology
  • Learn how to define problems clearly and set measurable goals
  • Develop skills to measure and analyze process performance using data
  • Identify and implement effective improvement strategies
  • Ensure long-term sustainability of process improvements through control mechanisms
  • Gain hands-on experience with essential DMAIC tools and techniques

Who is this Training Course for?

This online training course is suitable to a wide range professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals involved in process improvement, quality management, or operational excellence
  • Individuals looking to enhance their problem-solving skills using data-driven methods
  • Team leaders and managers responsible for driving continuous improvement initiatives
  • Employees from any industry interested in building a strong foundation in Lean Six Sigma

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech online training course will utilise a variety of proven highly interactive adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes facilitated group and individual exercises, case studies, role-play, and videos.

The Course Content

Day One: Introduction to DMAIC and Lean Six Sigma
  • Overview of Lean Six Sigma: History, Principles, and Benefits
  • Introduction to the DMAIC Framework and Its Application in Various Industries
  • Defining the Problem: Understanding the "Define" Phase
  • Identifying Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) Metrics and Setting Project Goals
  • Tools for the Define Phase: SIPOC Diagrams, Project Charters, and Stakeholder Analysis
  • Case Study: Defining a Sample Project and Setting Objectives
Day Two: Measure Phase – Establishing Baselines
  • Introduction to the Measure Phase: Collecting and Understanding Data
  • Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Process Metrics
  • Tools for Data Collection: Process Mapping, Flowcharts, and Value Stream Maps
  • Measurement System Analysis: Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability of Data
  • Basic Statistical Tools for Measuring Process Performance: Mean, Standard Deviation, Control Limits
  • Practical Exercise: Collecting and Analyzing Data for a Sample Process
Day Three: Analyze Phase – Identifying Root Causes
  • Introduction to the Analyze Phase: Using Data to Diagnose Problems
  • Root Cause Analysis Techniques: Cause and Effect Diagrams, 5 Whys
  • Data Analysis Tools: Pareto Charts, Scatter Diagrams, and Correlation Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing: Identifying Relationships Between Variables
  • Process Capability Analysis: Understanding Cp and Cpk
  • Practical Exercise: Conducting Root Cause Analysis and Hypothesis Testing on Sample Data
Day Four: Improve Phase – Developing Solutions
  • Introduction to the Improve Phase: Designing and Testing Solutions
  • Creative Problem-Solving Techniques: Brainstorming, Benchmarking, and TRIZ
  • Lean Tools for Process Improvement: Kaizen, 5S, and Poka-Yoke
  • Implementing Process Changes: Planning, Testing, and Piloting Solutions
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the Impact of Proposed Improvements
  • Practical Exercise: Developing and Testing Solutions for a Process Improvement Case
Day Five: Control Phase – Sustaining Improvements
  • Introduction to the Control Phase: Ensuring Long-Term Process Stability
  • Tools for Process Control: Control Charts, Monitoring Systems, and Audits
  • Standardizing Improvements: Documentation and Training
  • Creating a Control Plan: Setting Up Process Monitoring and Response Mechanisms
  • Leadership in Continuous Improvement: Driving a Culture of Accountability
  • Practical Exercise: Creating a Control Plan for Sustained Improvements
  • Final Review and Certification Preparation

The Certificate

  • AZTech e-Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the online training course


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