An intensive professional development training course on

Organisational Politics
and Power Dynamics

Competitive Strategies for Growing your Career

30 Sep-04 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
18-22 Nov 2024
London - UK
10-14 Feb 2025
Barcelona - Spain
19-23 May 2025
London - UK
29 Sep-03 Oct 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Nov 2025
London - UK
<b>Organisational Politics</b> and <b>Power Dynamics</b>
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Why Choose Organisational Politics and Power Dynamics Training Course?

Politics are a part of organizational life which stem from a diversity of interests, and those competing interests must be resolved in some way. Organizational politics are characterized by informal, unofficial, and sometimes behind-the-scenes efforts to sell ideas, influence an organization, increase power, or achieve other objectives. There are a number of potential individual and organizational antecedents of political behaviors. In today’s organizational work, it’s important to be aware of the potentially destructive aspects of organizational politics in order to minimize their negative effect.

This powerful training course examines why workplace politics exist and looks at skill in handling conflicting agendas and shifting power bases and at strategies to "win" at office politics without resorting to dirty tactics and unprofessional behaviors. Among its powerful features, it will emphasize that effective politics isn’t about winning at all costs but about maintaining relationships while achieving results. It will demonstrate that organizational politics are not inherently bad and it is possible to promote yourself and your cause without compromising yours and your organization’s values. Since all workplaces are political to some extent, the course will also examine techniques to minimize the negative side of organizational politics and how to effectively manage differences of personality and opinion.

This training course will feature:

  • Pragmatic knowledge of what power and politics mean in organizational settings
  • Assessment of delegates’ political skills and shortfalls using frameworks that are simple, potent and immediately applicable
  • Development of an actionable career plan to manage interpersonal conflict and enhance the productivity of individuals and teams
  • Preparation of a personal agenda to effectively manage the politics of delegates’ career
  • Management of differences of personality and opinion to neutralize “bad” politics at work

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Attain a pragmatic mastery of power and politics in organizational settings
  • Develop an actionable career plan to manage interpersonal conflict and enhance the productivity of individuals and teams
  • Practice "good" politics to enable them to further their personal and team's interests fairly and appropriately
  • Apply strategies to "win" at office politics without sinking to the lowest standards of behavior
  • Manage differences of personality and opinion to neutralize “bad” politics at work

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is ideal for managers and professionals with existing political and conflict management skills across functional areas who regularly handle organizational conflict.  

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Team Leaders / Unit Heads
  • Supervisors
  • Managers of all levels
  • Management Professionals
  • Delegates of any sector of industry and/or business

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes:

  • Instructor’s guidance and facilitation of learning, using proven techniques
  • Delegates’ direct inputs, case studies, and exercises
  • Short video-clips presentation and de-briefing sessions
  • Discussion and activities designed to promote skill building via interaction among participants
  • Activities and work on examples and role-plays to highlight concepts taught and allow participants to practice skills they learned from this course

The Course Content

Day One: Individual’s Power and Politics  
  • Organizations as political systems
  • Power and its different faces
  • Power fit in work and life
  • The five forms of power in the workplace
  • Assessment of individual political skills and shortfalls
  • The dynamics of power play at the individual level
Day Two: Power and Politics in Complex Organizations
  • Power plays and strategies to manage them
  • Managing power play between team members and teams
  • Strategies to overcome team dysfunctional factors
  • Network politics
  • How to build your network
  • Understanding self: Your Natural Behavioral Preferences
Day Three: Excelling at Power Plays and Politics with Emotional Intelligence
  • What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
  • Intrapersonal & interpersonal skills
  • Emotional excellence in the workplace
  • Understanding your personality style
  • Emotional intelligence for innovative teamwork
  • Removing blocks to innovative teamwork through EQ
Day Four: Personal Plan for Power Management
  • The politics of persuasion and the power of language
  • Raising personal visibility and credibility in the workplace
  • Six principles of successful persuasion
  • Influencing decision making at work
  • The politics of crisis and how to manage it
  • Action planning and setting a personal agenda
Day Five: Developing a Power-based Strategy to Grow Your Career
  • Power and politics in organizational life
  • Playing politics and playing it right
  • Building personal value proposition
  • Power skills and behaviors that matter
  • Developing your career strategy in the pursuit of power
  • Career Growth: Strategies for achieving success

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the course

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