An intensive professional development training course on

Mini MBA Mastery:
From Leadership to
Strategic Management Excellence

23-27 Dec 2024
Moscow - Russia
Mini MBA Mastery: From Leadership to Strategic Management Excellence
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Why Choose Mini MBA Mastery: From Leadership to Strategic Management Excellence Training Course?

Strategy is both complex to develop and challenging to implement. Leaders of organisations have the responsibility and accountability for both - development and delivery. The world is currently very volatile and unpredictable, which requires management to adopt a more adaptable and agile approach to strategy and strategic planning.  This Certificate in Leadership & Strategic Impact training course offers delegates a range of tools and techniques to assist them in preparing forecasts and envisioning potential futures. It also addresses key leadership skills needed to galvanize the workforce including communication, persuasion, influence, and delegation. Join us to hone your skills!

This training course will feature:

  • Development of a strategic analysis toolkit
  • Appreciation of techniques to address a complex, volatile and uncertain environment
  • Understanding the importance of questioning and challenging assumptions
  • Developing self-awareness of key ‘soft’ skills to enable effective communication
  • Recognising the need to develop change catalysts across the organisation

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Utilise a range of strategic analysis tools
  • Appreciate the need for developing scenarios to manage uncertainty
  • Understand the importance of questioning, prior to delivering solutions
  • Enhance your key leadership skills such as: influence, persuasion & negotiation
  • Recognise staff qualities needed for implementing change

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals wanting to enhance their leadership capabilities
  • Professionals who need strategic analytical skills
  • Professionals wanting to develop skills for strategizing in uncertainty
  • Professionals aspiring to become senior leaders
  • Heads of department and project leads

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes the use of presentations, discussions, group work, videos and exercises guided by the tutor who will facilitate the learning process.

The Course Content

Day One: Strategic Analysis and Strategic Thinking
  • What strategy ‘is’ and what it ‘is not’
  • The importance of understanding stakeholder interests
  • Which tool to use and when
  • Understanding Life cycles: Business, Product, Market
  • Tools to understand the business environment
  • Achieving business sustainability, the value chain
 Day Two: Strategy, Innovation and Adaptability
  • The process of strategy development
  • Tools to imagine possible futures
  • Research showing how CEO’s apply the tools
  • Zooming In (detail) - Zooming Out (big picture)
  • Selecting different types of innovation
  • The process of innovation - managing failures and successes
 Day Three: Key Leadership Skills: Communications
  • Are Vision, Mission and Values just words?
  • The impact of organisational culture on strategy implementation
  • Communicating internally & externally
  • Making effective use of communication channels
  • How good are your persuasion, influence & negotiation skills?
  • Addressing the challenge of virtual communications
Day Four: Strategic Implementation: Tracking Progress
  • Using measures to track progress
  • Using the Balanced scorecard as a strategic tool
  • What are Critical Success Factors?
  • Selecting useful Key Performance Indicators
  • Do measures have an impact on actions?
  • Translating data into information - useful reporting
Day Five: Team Leadership
  • The roles & responsibilities of team leaders
  • Motivating individuals and teams
  • Engaging with staff for mutual benefit
  • Team communications: meetings
  • Evaluating effectiveness of different communication channels
  • Personal action planning

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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