An intensive professional development training course on

Leading Global

Managing the Complex Challenges of Globalisation

04-08 Nov 2024
London - UK
27-31 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
14-18 Apr 2025
Dubai - UAE
21-25 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
01-05 Sep 2025
Rome - Italy
03-07 Nov 2025
London - UK
<b>Leading Global Organisations</b>
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Why Choose Leading Global Organisations Training Course?

This powerful training course focuses on the practical skill set for leading global teams across borders and cultures. During our five days together, delegates will identify the globalisation challenges facing their team and organisation.

We will share practical tools and techniques for diagnosing culture, identifying appropriate ways of leading virtual teams, and managing differences to create cohesive teams that add value to the business.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Analysis: tools to understand global challenges and cultural differences
  • Strategy: developing structures, plans and processes to manage the challenges of globalisation
  • Leading: managing virtual teams and meeting customer expectations across borders and time zones
  • Sustainability: demonstrating teams are able to respond to the changing marketplace and customer expectations in support of corporate reputation, revenues and profits

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise and develop appropriate responses to the global challenges facing their organisation
  • Develop and maintain a corporate culture that supports high performance, loyalty and motivation among staff and customers across all markets
  • Understand and explain the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to lead a virtual global team
  • Understand the impact cultural diversity has on meeting customer expectations in different countries
  • Develop an international marketing plan to promote products and services in different marketplaces

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable for professionals in private organisations, government institutions and NGOs; it will greatly benefit:

  • Executives who lead virtual teams with members based in different countries, regions or time zones
  • Executives whose teams are expanding into new markets, countries or regions
  • Executives in companies that are transforming into global organisations
  • Managers in global organisations who have been identified as having potential for promotion to a leadership role

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.  The emphasis is on experiential learning and application in the workplace. You can expect:

  • Best practice techniques for managing virtual teams and plenty of time to try them out in a variety of exercises
  • Interactive delivery that combines theory, practical experience, case studies, videos, industry best practice, small and whole group exercises, peer exchange, brainstorming, role plays and discussions
  • Content tailored to the needs of delegates and delivered in a style that makes it easy to understand and apply 

  • Practical tips, tools and techniques delegates can apply straightaway to improve virtual team leadership 

  • An invaluable reference manual with all the information covered during the workshop to help delegates implement their new knowledge and skills back in their work places

The Course Content

Day One: Understanding the Challenges of Globalisation
  • The biggest challenges facing global businesses over the next 12 months
  • Responding to global business challenges: culture, ethics, legislation and regulation, technical
  • Building a sustainable business in the face of political instability, weather extremes, disruptive technology, declining productivity, falling economic growth
  • Managing uncertainty and embracing change
  • Global sustainability: creating strategic alignment, maximising value and controlling overhead costs
  • Bridging cultures: working between traditional and emerging markets
Day Two: Overcoming Cultural Barriers
  • Corporate global culture versus locally-appropriate cultures in each region
  • Understanding how and when to create one culture from many
  • Leading culture change in global organisations
  • Aligning culture and strategy globally and locally
  • Encouraging respect for diversity and valuing differences
  • Overcoming the barriers of language, misunderstandings and expectations
Day Three: Leading Virtual Global Teams
  • Creating and leading a high-performance team across borders and cultures
  • The skillsets and competencies of successful global leaders
  • Ensuring managers develop the skills to lead in a global organisation
  • Improving the quality and speed of decision making
  • Building relationships of trust in virtual teams
  • Ensuring customer facing front line staff feel supported
Day Four: Meeting Customer Expectations in Different Countries
  • Identifying customer needs in different regions
  • Understanding cultural diversity in creating positive customer experience
  • Adapting customer service to customer service expectations in different cultures
  • Communicating using multiple channels to interact with customers appropriately
  • Using personalisation to improve satisfaction and build loyalty
  • Principles for improving cross-cultural customer interactions
Day Five: International Marketing Across Borders and Cultures
  • Identifying international marketing opportunities
  • Market entry strategy decisions including products and product lines, pricing, distribution and publicity
  • Developing and implementing the international marketing plan
  • The trading environment in Africa, America, Asia Pacific and Europe
  • Action planning

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the course

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