An intensive professional development training course on

Category Management
in Procurement

Maximising Value from Procurement & the Supply Chain

Classroom Sessions

20-24 Jan 2025
Istanbul - Turkey
19-23 May 2025
London - UK
08-12 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

13-17 Jan 2025
14-18 Apr 2025
04-08 Aug 2025
<b>Category Management</b><br /> in <b>Procurement</b>
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Why Choose Category Management in Procurement Training Course?

To maximize value from procurement, we need to combine techniques, with the appropriate tools, techniques and approaches. This Category Management in Procurement training course will provide you an effective methodology of Category Management and how this approach can be used in effectively ensuring best in class operations for Procurement Management.

Category management was first used in the retail industry to manage inventory based on profitability and customer segmentation. Now in the other industries, category management is valued as a tool to organize and effectively manage suppliers and the products through application of different principles in the acquisition of inventory.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • The understanding of Procurement, Purchasing and Buying operations
  • Understanding the different models to categorize suppliers & their products
  • How to use selective inventory management to determine the appropriate category listing
  • Segregating suppliers and manage categories in Procurement
  • Understand total cost of ownership

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply a thorough understanding of category management in procurement
  • Identify, analyze and evaluate procurement opportunities
  • Understand the keys aspects in category management
  • Use tools and techniques to improve organization’s competitiveness
  • Apply the knowledge in procurement and supply chain in organizational improvements

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Procurement, buyers and purchasing professionals
  • Those who need to maximise value from procurement and the supply chain
  • Those who need an understanding of the relationships between risk, cost and service in supply chains

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.  The Category Management in Procurement training course will adopt Robert Gagne’s Instructional Design Model and the Nine steps of instruction Learning and combine presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by video materials, activities and case studies. Delegates will thus be to enhance retention and transfer knowledge to their workplace.

The Course Content

Day One:  Understanding Procurement and Category Management
  • Definition and understanding Procurement and purchasing
  • Definition of Category Management
  • The evolution of Category Management
  • Models used in Category Grouping
  • The aspects to be considered in category groups
  • Managing Selective Inventory Control
Day Two:  Maximising Value and Procurement Excellence using Varied Routes
  • The Procurement Excellence Roadmap (PER)
  • The importance of Category Management in Procurement
  • Value improvement using category management
  • Value Adding from Categorization
  • Class Exercise on Category Management in Procurement
Day Three:  Understanding the Supplier Sourcing and Selection Routes
  • Traditional purchasing revisited
  • Value and risk analysis
  • The model in identifying inventory classification
  • Best price evaluation
  • Understanding collaborative supplier management
  • Supplier Portfolio Analysis (SPfA)
Day Four:  Recognising and Overcoming the Barriers to Category Management
  • Common barriers and challenges
  • Overcoming such barriers
  • Best Practice in the implementation of new ideas
  • Managing price sensitive products
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Criticality Analysis
  • Class work on Selective Inventory Control (SIC)
Day Five: Category Management and Rethinking the Supply Chain
  • Supply chain futures, predictions and what needs to be done
  • The improvements for re-engineering end to end supply chains
  • Supply chain excellence and shareholder value
  • The steps to supply chain excellence
  • Developing the supply chain strategy
  • Supply chain strategy best practice

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the course

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