An intensive professional development training course on

High Performance

Leading the Way through the Dynamics
of an Ever-Changing Corporate Culture

18-29 Nov 2024
Houston - USA
24 Feb-07 Mar 2025
London - UK
30 Jun-11 Jul 2025
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
25 Aug-05 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE
15-26 Sep 2025
New York - USA
17-28 Nov 2025
Houston - USA
Advanced <b>High Performance Leadership</b>
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Why Choose Advanced High Performance Leadership Training Course?

This Advanced High Performance Leadership training course training course has been specifically designed for professionals who want to significantly increase their ability to lead individuals and teams as well as gain a deeper understanding of the true meaning of a leadership. This Advanced High Performance Leadership training course will demonstrate practical not theoretical ways to lead people for which delegates will be challenged to practice the latest leadership, management and coaching methods whilst being given feedback on coaching to help you master these skills. Gaining insights and tools from two different leadership experts means that you will leave this intensive 10-day advanced level training course feeling recharged and confident to lead others back in your organisation.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • How to harness the power of vision and visualization
  • Understanding the real meaning of leadership
  • Designing of coaching and engagement strategies
  • Demonstrations of techniques to manage teams and individuals
  • Develop Techniques to motivate and inspire your  people
  • Identification of your individual leadership style

The Structure

This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual, 5 Day training courses.

Module 1 - The Leadership Journey

Module 2 - The Leadership Challenge

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand coaching and empowerment at advanced level
  • Apply techniques  to engage your people
  • Create an empowering culture of innovation for  organisational improvement
  • Employ behavioural techniques which exert influence, ignite passion and generate enthusiasm 
  • Design an employee engagement strategy for business results

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Managers
  • Department Heads
  • Team Leaders

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include business case studies from various industries, video, group exercises, peer feedback group discussion and practical demonstrations. The emphasis is on experiential learning and applying theory in a practical way to foster good practice.

The Course Content

Module 1: The Leadership Journey
Day One: Leadership: Setting the Moral Compass
  • What is true leadership, lessons from the past masters
  • Modern leadership and its impact on business
  • Human behaviour, predictable outcomes
  • The new business reality and its impact on us all
  • Force field analysis and the comfort zone
  • Employee mentality versus entrepreneurial spirit
Day Two: Creating the Future Vision
  • The strangest secret and the biggest lesson
  • How to harness the power of vision through visualisation
  • Psycho cybernetics and its connection with vision
  • Goal setting the key to making vision a reality
  • Positive mental attitude, gaining power from a strong vision
  • Vision timeline, mathematical coaching model
Day Three: Communicating to Engage
  • Discover your communication style and appreciate the styles of others
  • Learn how to motivate and influence each of the style
  • The power of body language
  • Listening: the key to effective communication
  • Employing advanced questioning techniques
  • Presenting your ideas to get buy in from others
Day Four: Sustainability through Innovation
  • Creating a culture of innovation
  • How to engage your people to generate new ideas
  • Creative thinking and problem solving
  • Using affinity networks for innovation
  • Utilising multi-disciplined employees to gain width and depth
  • Applying innovation to reduce costs
Day Five: Influence, Passion and Legacy
  • Building the relationship bank account
  • The different guaranteed deposits
  • Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
  • Applying the Law of Reciprocity: the give to get ratio
  • The Fire Within: Harnessing enthusiasm and passion
  • Reflection, Review and Action Planning
Day Six: The Challenge of Motivating and Inspiring People
  • Rule number one - Everything matters
  • The importance of stretching ourselves
  • Association and its impact on our ability to inspire
  • Receiving feedback on our abilities, from other leaders
  • Why standing still is no longer an option
  • The cycle of personal growth
Day Seven: Inspirational Leadership
  • Why some people are inspirational
  • Why Human Beings desire to be inspired
  • Human behavioural patterns and cultural difference
  • Why some people win and some people fail
  • Dreamers versus planners
  • Lighting a fire under your people
Day Eight: Enabling People Utilize their Strengths
  • What is an enabler
  • Why managers and enablers are so different
  • How the giving away power will gain you more
  • Resistance to an enabling business culture
  • Why enabling gains loyalty and increases trust
  • Why enablers are far stronger than managers
Day Nine: Engaging and Encouraging your People
  • Why most employees are not engaged by their work
  • The 45 year plan, and its effect on motivation
  • Engage your team to gain better results
  • Engaging an audience though presentations
  • Recognition and rewards
  • How to create a positive working environment
Module 2: The Leadership Challenge
Day Ten: Personal Leadership Challenge
  • Creating a powerful vision that drives you
  • Using the SMART formula to set goals
  • Deciding your preferred style of leadership
  • Creating accountability for yourself and others
  • Protecting yourself from self-doubt
  • Using your personal strengths to lead others

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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