An intensive professional development training course on

Advanced Certificate
in Process Automation

Maximising Process Control for your Operation

Classroom Sessions

18-22 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
03-07 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

07-11 Oct 2024
24-28 Feb 2025
19-23 May 2025
06-10 Oct 2025
<b>Advanced Certificate</b> in <b>Process Automation</b>
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Why Choose Advanced Certificate in Process Automation Training Course?

Proper process control is vital to any industry. If your control is not done optimally, not only may you affect the safety of your operation, but also your efficiency and profitability. In this respect, very careful attention must be paid to the PID controller. These devices are used to control a host of different applications, and their optimization cannot be emphasized, enough! They are often incorporated into the Distributed Control System (DCS).

This Advanced Certificate in Process Automation training course takes over, where basic instrumentation courses end off. It assumes that the delegates already understand measuring devices for level, temperature, pressure and flow, HMI basics, PLC basics, etc. It really focuses on process control in greater depth, which is pertinent to PID controllers, progressing from basics right up to advanced options. This AZTech training course is presented in a manner that is easy to understand, and then to apply. It is vital that everyone, who is involved in PID controllers and loop tuning, are taught the fundamentals and techniques as thoroughly as possible.

This training course will feature:

  • Process control
  • Terms and definitions that will be encountered
  • The PID controller
  • Various loop tuning methods
  • Advanced control using PID controllers

What are the Goals?

Delegates will understand ALL of the technical terms associated with PID controllers as well as process control. Delegates will be taught to implement excellent loop tuning techniques and strategies, and apply their knowledge in a useful and practical way. Following this training course, delegates will be able to interact effectively, with plant management and other engineers, regarding all aspects pertinent to process control and advanced PID controller tuning.

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Decide on the best type of control to implement, using a PID controller
  • Understand all of the terminology that may be encountered, using PID controllers
  • Implement various open-loop tuning strategies with a PID controller
  • Implement various closed-loop tuning strategies with a PID controller
  • Implement strategies, which include Cascade, Ratio, Gain Scheduling, etc., using PID controllers
  • Implement assorted model-based loop tuning solutions

Who is this Training Course for?

The target audience will be anyone associated with PID controllers, process control and loop tuning. Whether it be the person that actually does the tuning, the person that is intimately involved with process control and control strategy selection, the person doing controller installations, the person doing the optimization, etc. There are a whole host of people who could benefit from this training course. Suitable candidates would include, but not be limited to:

  • Instrument Technicians
  • C&I Engineers
  • Process Control Engineers
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Engineers and professionals, from other fields, who have a vested interest in the processes being controlled

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The training course focuses on applications typically found in Petrochemical industries. It has been designed to have a roughly 50-50 split between theoretical and practical sessions.  Modern training techniques are utilized, and delegates are encouraged to use this opportunity to learn as much as possible, in an environment conducive to the sharing of knowledge. A user-friendly simulator is used. The material is of such a nature, that discussions flow freely, and questions are encouraged, at any time. 

 At the end of each day, an additional wrap-up session is included, to ensure full understanding of all course material covered. 

The Course Content

Day One: Process Control, Terms and Definitions and Types of Control
  • Process dynamics and assorted processes that can be encountered
  • Process stability
  • Process responses (including first, second and high order processes)
  • Terms and definitions, associated with process control (Gp, Td, Tc, PV Tracking, etc.)
  • The different types of control that may be implemented
Day Two: The PID Controller, Default Settings and Control Strategies
  • Proportional band percentage / Gain
  • Integral / Reset action
  • Derivative / Rate action
  • Default controller settings, for various processes
  • PID combinations that can be used, for various processes
  • Combined feedback and feed forward, integral windup, etc.
Day Three: Open and Closed Loop Tuning, for the PID Controller
  • Ziegler-Nichols open loop tuning method
  • Ziegler-Nichols closed loop tuning method
  • Tuning methods to satisfy overshoot constraints
  • Tuning rules and guidelines
  • Non formalized (trial & error) open loop running methods
  • Non formalized (trial & error) closed loop running methods
Day Four: Advanced Control Strategies, using a PID Controller
  • Cascade loops using PID controllers
  • Ratio control loops using PID controllers
  • Gain scheduling with a PID controller
  • Using a PID controller to deal with long dead times
  • Self-tuning controllers
  • Understanding Real vs Ideal, Saturated vs Non Saturated and Controller Equations
Day Five: Model-based Control, for Applications where a PID Controller would not be Suitable / Optimal
  • Using a model-based system to deal with dead time
  • Using a Smith Predictor
  • Understanding Internal Model Control (IMC)
  • Dahlin’s controller
  • Understanding and Implementing Model Predictive Control (MPC)

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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