An intensive professional development training course on

Training Design
& Development for Learning Success

How to Conduct Training Needs Assessment
and Curriculum Development

Classroom Sessions

16-20 Dec 2024
London - UK
17-21 Feb 2025
London - UK
14-18 Apr 2025
London - UK
15-19 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE
15-19 Dec 2025
London - UK

Online Sessions

23-27 Sep 2024
07-11 Oct 2024
23-27 Dec 2024
27-31 Jan 2025
11-15 Aug 2025
06-10 Oct 2025
Training Design & Development for Learning Success
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Why Choose Training Design & Development for Learning Success Training Course?

This AZTech training course entitled, 'Training Design & Development for Learning Success' will help you design, develop and deliver learning and training that is effective, engaging and inspiring. Using the latest models and methods you keep to date in the new ways of assessing learning objectives and building training and e-Learning real-life goals and objectives.

This Training Design & Development for Learning Success training course also covers the latest techniques plus new methods for learning resources, course design and documentation. This means being able to increase the impact and quality of training and your learning results. Online learning and blended learning solutions are also an important part of this course. Examples used are taken from HR, technical, safety and management topics.

This AZTech training course will feature the following competencies and learning objectives:

    • Best-practice in training needs analysis and researching course objectives
    • Adapting training to work as e-Learning and other forms of learning
    • Skills for the development of effective training and learning content
    • How to design and adapt material based around learner style and preference
    • How to create handouts, video, quizzes and exercises to develop cognitive domain abilities and gain a greater understanding of learning methods

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand techniques and tools for researching, defining and analysing training and learning needs and requirements
  • Gain an instructional design process to create traditional or blended learning solutions
  • Learn how to set clear goals and design objectives when designing and developing training materials
  • Develop Creative design of learning activities, games, exercises, examples and case studies
  • Develop Skills for the development of effective presentation material, workbooks and manual
  • Learn how to create learning activities, presentation and other materials to develop cognitive domain abilities – thinking skills and knowledge awareness

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable for a wide range of learning and HR professionals, plus it will also help anyone who wishes to refresh and develop their knowledge and skills, including:

  • Training and workshop facilitators
  • Training and HR administration and course design assistants
  • Technical staff who are involved in training design and delivery
  • All staff involved in developing training course and learning materials at all levels and stages

How will this Training Course be Presented?

Participants attending this AZTech training course will learn from a clear explanation of training curriculum and material development skills. This is achieved by active participation in discussions and experiential exercises. Group discussion is an important element in the programme and delegates should be prepared to share their experience and their own stories with the rest of the group. We will use video clips and case histories to illustrate and illuminate the key points.

Delegates are encouraged to bring some real-life examples of current and past training course materials, presentations and workbooks for reference and application during the training. All delegates will be asked to make presentations to the group and to commit to a personal development plan.

The Course Content

Day One: Introduction to Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Curriculum
  • Introduction, objectives and ways of working
  • Review of important of TNA and course design
  • Types of training materials overview
  • Best practice in training material design, structure and format
  • Training activities and examples
  • Case study: Developing materials for different types of training
Day Two: Specifying and Constructing e-Learning and other Non-Classroom Training
  • The importance of learning design and structure
  • Aligning training activities to suit online and e-Learning
  • Using Micro-Learning and accelerate learning principles
  • How to write learning exercise, video scripts and source content
  • The critical documents needed for any training Course
  • Case study: Building an e-Learning Course
Day Three: Learning Styles and Models for Curriculum Development
  • Introduction to adult learning models and theories
  • Learning and training based on personality
  • Self-assessment to learn your own preferences
  • Examples of materials for different learning styles
  • The keys to effective material design and development
  • Case studies: Cognitive domain materials design
Day Four: Design of Engagement and Professional Development
  • Techniques and formats for developing training material
  • Attention and memory principles for learning design
  • How to design based around learner expectations
  • How to create materials to develop cognitive domain abilities
  • Learning methods when using interactive materials and methods
  • Case studies and learning assignments
Day Five: Technical Aspects of Curriculum Development
  • Design, quality and costing training projects
  • Using competency measures and frameworks
  • Setting standards for measuring competent improvement
  • Measuring improvements after training
  • Review of methods for learning point review with assessments
  • Case study: Performance-based training – the way to add value

The Certificate

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