An intensive professional development training course on

Teamwork &
People Development

Dealing with Others and Understanding Behaviour

07-11 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
16-20 Dec 2024
Madrid - Spain
06-10 Oct 2025
Dubai - UAE
15-19 Dec 2025
London - UK
<b>Teamwork</b> & <b>People Development</b>
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Why Choose Teamwork & People Development Training Course?

Individuals do not often work in isolation. Work is primarily a group-based activity and if an organization is to be effective, it needs effective team working at all levels. This practical AZTech training course will also focus on how to deal with others and how to understand your own and others behavior.

This training course examines the key ingredients of successful team working, which will help build and develop teams within the organization. The training course also includes a number or practical team building activities that are educationally and professionally enriching.

This training course will feature:

  • Insight into effective teamwork skills and competencies
  • A close examination of the principles of teamwork
  • Understanding human psychology and behavior
  • Strategies for harnessing the dynamics of the team
  • Skills for optimizing people development

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish between groups and teams and list the primary characteristics of effective teams
  • Increase teamwork efficiency
  • Describe the basics of human behavior
  • Increase development within the team
  • Improve interpersonal skills and teamwork

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • All Team Leaders
  • Staff responsible for the development of team members               
  • All supervisors, middle managers, department heads and senior managers
  • All superintendents, team leaders and functional leaders and managers
  • Technical staff recently promoted to management or team leader positions
  • Human resource personnel including HR Business Partners and training staff
  • All staff interested in improving their Teamwork & People Development skills

How will this Training Course be Presented?

How will this be Presented?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes individual and group activities, role-plays, small-group activities, short videos, and case studies. Enjoyable but learning based activities will be offered to the participants. This is a very practical course with many team and individual activities.

The Course Content

Day One: Teamwork Essentials
  • Team development
  • The sociology of the team
  • Characteristics of high-performing teams
  • Teamworking activity
  • The stages of team development
  • Teams leadership and a shared vision
Day Two: Team Roles and Behaviours
  • Understanding team roles and effective teams
  • Creating the ‘perfect’ team
  • Belbin and team roles
  • Self-Perception Inventory
  • Missing team roles
  • Team role activities/games
Day Three: Group Dynamics & Human Psychology
  • The study of groups
  • Social norms
  • Risky Shift Phenomenon
  • Group Process Skills
  • Group Behaviour Interventions
  • Group Cohesiveness
Day Four: Dealing with Others - Conflict Management
  • The nature of workplace conflict
  • Resources for responding to conflict
  • Dealing with ‘difficult people’
  • Recognizing and overcoming false consensus in groups
  • Groupthink
  • Mediation skills
Day Five: Developing Yourself
  • Setting Career Goals
  • What type of learning & development suits you
  • Understanding your career journey
  • Are you suited for leadership or management?
  • Personal career SWOT analysis
  • Personal action planning

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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