An intensive professional development training course on

Multiphase Flowmetering

Classroom Sessions

10-14 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Aug 2025
Muscat - Oman

Online Sessions

06-10 Jan 2025
21-25 Jul 2025
Multiphase Flowmetering
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Why Choose Multiphase Flowmetering Training Course?

The traditional method of determining the flowrate of a multiphase system is to use the separation method, where the oil, water and gas phases are separated into individual streams, then measuring the flow of each, individually.

Over the last few decades the development, evaluation and use of Multiphase Flow Meters (MFM) systems has been a major focus for the oil & gas industry worldwide. Since the early 1990s, when the first commercial meters started to appear, there have been over 3,500 field applications of MFM for field allocation, production optimisation and well testing.

Many alternative multiphase metering systems have been developed where the complete multiphase flow is measured using a single multiphase system comprising of a flow meter, especially configured, for multiphase measurements together with associated instruments for measuring specific phase densities, fractions, temperature, pressure, etc.

This Multiphase Flowmetering training course training course reviews and assesses both established and novel technologies suitable for measuring the flow rates of gas, oil and water in a three-phase flow. The technologies already implemented in the various commercial meters are evaluated in terms of advantages or shortcomings from an operator point of view. The lessons learned about the practical reliability, accuracy and use of the available technology are discussed. This Multiphase Flowmetering training course provides a critical and independent review of the currentstatus and future trends of MFM.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Know the fundamental principles and problems related to multiphase flow
  • Have a knowledge of the different types of flowmeters and associated equipment
  • Understand the fundamentals of multiphase metering in petroleum engineering applications
  • Have a knowledge of current limitations of the available technology
  • Learn about the interdisciplinary aspects of multiphase flow metering, which span from reservoir management to production optimisation, as well as from production allocation to reserves estimation

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes:

  • A reservoir engineer or production engineer who uses production data for the calibration and history matching of reservoir and wellbore flow models, and for the optimisation of reservoir management and production operations
  • A metering or allocation engineer who wants to learn the differences between conventional (single phase) and multiphase flow measurement
  • A professional who has to select, install, operate and interpret multiphase flow meters.

Relevant computer simulations and videos will be used to emphasise the main topics.  Participants will be provided with comprehensive hard and soft copies of the course notes and soft copies of all presentation material. These will be very valuable for detailed study and future reference.

The Course Content

Day One: Multiphase Flow Metering Principles
  • Fluid and Gas Laws; Equations and Applications
  • Fundamentals of flow measurement systems
  • Multiphase Flow Metering Fundamentals
  • Categories of Instruments
  • Possible Combinations of Instruments
  • Options for Measurement
Day Two: Types of Flowmeters
  • Differential Pressure
  • Positive Displacement
  • Inferential, Turbine
  • Oscillatory, Vortex Shedding
  • Magnetic
  • Ultrasonic
  • Mass Flow RateMeasurements, Coriolis
Day Three: Key Multiphase Flow Metering Techniques and Current Status and Limitation of Multiphase Flow Metering
  • Density Measurement
  • Velocity Measurement
  • Momentum Flux Measurement
  • Mass Flux Measurement
  • Multiphase Flow Metering Capabilities
  • What can Multiphase Flow Metering Really Do?
  • Required Accuracy and Regulations
Day Four: Wet Gas Metering /Heavy Oil Metering Applications
  • Why Wet Gas?
  • Critical Review of Wet Gas Definitions Applications
  • Definitions of Heavy Oil for Metering Applications
  • Issues Related to Metering Heavy Oils
  • Issues Related to Metering Wet Gas
Day Five: Meter Calibration and Additional Multiphase Flow Metering Solutions
  • Proving Systems, Displacement Provers, Small Volume type Displacement Provers (SVP)
  • Meter Factor Trend Charts
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Virtual Metering
  • Choke Valves

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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