Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Understanding Workplace
Conflict and Aggression

A Guide to Causes & Avoidance of Violent Behaviour at Work

13-17 de maio de 2024
Em linha
16-20 de setembro de 2024
Em linha
20-24 de janeiro de 2025
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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Paid employment gives people not only an income but also affords them opportunities to contribute to society as a whole, their employer’s business and their individual development. The workplace should not be a setting where people are subjected to threats of or actual violence, harassment or bullying. This behaviour is unacceptable but unfortunately too many people are exposed to these risks as part of their work. Whilst the incidence varies from one workplace and one sector to another, it is a problem across the world.

The violence at work course is suitable for managers and HR professionals who are asked to deal with violence and aggression in the workplace. All managers need to be aware of the dangers that can result from aggression and to be able to protect their team and themselves. Throughout this Understanding Workplace Conflict and Aggression online training course, delegates will be introduced to the psychology of aggression and conflict and why conflict situations arise. Delegates will learn who is at most risk, and the possible warning signs to look out for. The course will finish by exploring the ways to prevent and control aggression, conflict and violence in the workplace.

At the end of this training course delegates will feel more confident in how to handle aggression in the workplace and what procedures, practice and legislation is in place that will protect them in certain situations.

Este curso de formação em linha inclui

  • The importance of understanding how personality influences behaviour
  • The differences between aggressive, intimidating, manipulative and passive behaviour
  • Cause of workplace conflict
  • Managing risk
  • Handling aggressive behaviour

Quais são os objectivos?

No final deste curso de formação online, os participantes serão capazes de: 

  • Understand the psychology of aggression
  • Understand the nature of conflict and how it can escalate
  • Be aware of any legal implications including the Employer’s liability
  • Dynamically identify early warning signs and assess and manage risks
  • Use strategies to manage angry and aggressive employees
  • Implement different approaches including mediation to managing high-risk situations

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

Este curso de formação online da AZTech é adequado a um vasto leque de profissionais, mas beneficiará muito:

  • Profissionais de RH
  • Line Managers
  • Supervisors and Team Leaders
  • Senior Managers responsible for compliance, investigations and disciplinary issues
  • Those responsible for hiring decisions

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

This AZTech online training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes but is not limited to group discussions, group and individual exercises, self-report questionnaires, selected videos and input from an experienced facilitator.

O conteúdo do curso

Day One: The Psychology of Aggression
  • Different forms of aggression
  • Assertive, submissive, manipulative and aggressive response styles
  • Personality clashes explained
  • Behavioural ways of reacting to aggression
  • Seeing ‘red’ – losing control
Day Two: Bullying, Harassment and Controlling Behaviour
  • Understand bullying and harassment
  • Explore and recognise the impact of bullying on individuals, teams and work culture
  • Learn practically based strategies for handling bullying situations
  • What is controlling behaviour?
  • The manager’s role
Day Three: Who Are the Likely Victims?
  • How lack of diversity and inclusion contributes to aggression
  • Female victims
  • The ‘pack’ mentality
  • Is it merely a male problem?
  • Developing a positive culture
Day Four: Spotting the Warning Signs
  • Developing an early warning system
  • Management action to intervene
  • How to de-escalate a situation
  • How behaviour breeds behaviour
  • Managing unpredictability (drugs, alcohol, mental health)
Day Five: Review of Techniques
  • The importance of staying calm and in control
  • Verbal and non-verbal techniques
  • When to get further assistance
  • Introducing Workplace Mediation
  • Legal implications

O certificado

  • Certificado de conclusão AZTech para os delegados que frequentam e concluem o curso de formação

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