Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Measuring Performance, Improving Productivity
& Employee Engagement

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

To operate successfully in the intense competitive environment of the 21st century, organisations must be responsive to the changing needs and demands of their customers and clients. To maintain responsiveness to these ever-increasing service demands and to deliver extraordinary levels of performance, they must instigate a robust system of internal and external measures upon which to reflect and where necessary act. This 10-day AZTech training course in London comprehensively explores all aspects of organisational improvement. Week 1 concentrates on constructive techniques to measure efficiency in operations, systems and procedures and culminates with bench marking techniques as a diagnostic tool for continuous improvement. Week 2 has a focus on the “softer” side of productivity with an emphasis on the skills front line leader scan utilise to motivate their people and create the “engaged organisation”.


A estrutura

Este curso de formação abrangente é composto por dois módulos que podem ser reservados como um evento de formação de 10 dias ou como cursos individuais de 5 dias.

Module 1 - Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking

Module 2 - Improving Productivity & Employee Engagement through Effective Frontline Leadership


Quais são os objectivos?

No final deste curso de formação AZTech, os participantes serão capazes de

  • Determine and implement strategies for performance, organisational and bench marking measurement,
  • Appreciate the inter connectivity of criteria that impact performance and productivity
  • Understand the critical role of the front-line leader in establishing a committed and engaged work force
  • Evaluate organisational performance and engagement against theoretical models of good practice
  • Create organisational value through the power of collective wisdom


A quem se destina este curso de formação?

This AZTech training course is designed for professional and leaders across a wide range of industries. But will have relevance to;

  • Managers delegated to instigate measure and sustain continuous organisational improvement
  • Front line leaders keen to demonstrate progressive leadership practices
  • Engineers with responsibility for maintenance, operations and processes
  • Change managers and leaders seeking to positively impact organisational culture
  • Middle managers, team leaders and all in supervisory roles


Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include a combination of presentations, videos, class discussion, group and self-reflective exercises to examine all the elements of engagement. The training course has been designed to accommodate all styles of learner and to embed in each delegate a confidence to demonstrate responsibility and take action. High profile will be given to bench marking as a means to evaluate current market place performance and the role of managerial leadership in creating and sustaining an environment that brings success, commitment and true engagement.


O conteúdo do curso

Module 1: Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking
Primeiro dia: Medição do desempenho: O ponto de partida para a melhoria
  • The Need for Measurement
  • Data Use and Abuse: Using Data Constructively
  • Methods of Selecting Performance Measures
  • Developing a Framework for Measurement
  • Compreender a variação: A chave para compreender o desempenho
  • O que os histogramas, as cartas de execução e as cartas de controlo nos dizem sobre o desempenho
Day Two: Continuous Improvement
  • Understanding Variation: The Range and Standard Deviation
  • Taking Appropriate Action against a Process
  • An Introduction to Control Charts
  • Como melhorar um processo
  • The Power of Teamwork
  • Declarações de problemas e de missão
Day Three: The Tools of Continuous Improvement
  • Understanding and Analyzing a Process
  • Identifying causes of problems, and potential solutions
  • Demonstrar a ligação entre uma causa e o seu efeito
  • Understanding the Process
  • Investigação de relações entre variáveis
Day Four: An Introduction to Benchmarking
  • What is benchmarking?
  • History of benchmarking
  • Different Methods of benchmarking and how they relate to each other
  • Como identificar potenciais projectos de avaliação comparativa
  • Uma visão geral do processo de avaliação comparativa
  • Selecting your first project
Quinto dia: Executar um Projeto de Benchmarking com Sucesso
  • Definição do âmbito e planeamento do estudo de benchmarking
  • Identificação e seleção de métricas e parceiros de benchmarking
  • Participant meetings: Planning and running effective meetings to attain the aims of the study
  • Benchmarking project management
  • Management support activities
  • Legal issues
Module 2: Improving Productivity & Employee Engagement through Effective Frontline Leadership
Day Six: Employee Engagement and Business Success
  • What is employment engagement? A model for practice
  • The business case for engagement. How employee engagement impacts business success
  • Do you know how engaged your people are right now? Analysis and Measurement
  • The impact of front line leadership on Engagement, Productivity and Commitment - Current research and implications
  • What do engaging leaders actually do? Dimension of front line managerial Leadership
  • What style of leadership does my role demand? How does this contribute or inhibit engagement?
Day Seven: “Front Line Leadership” to capture “Hearts and Minds”
  • How good are your front line skills that build engagement? - review and application
  • Personalidade e estilo de gestão/liderança - avaliação e revisão psicométrica
  • Authentic leadership to inspire your people to exceed performance expectations
  • A sombra do líder - impacto e influência
  • Emotional Intelligence and its role in Engagement - steps to better performance
  • Criar a visão inspiradora - os elementos-chave do alinhamento
Day Eight: Aligning Performance to Create Trust & Engagement
  • The power of collective wisdom
  • Objetivo da equipa - Gestão do desempenho, KPI's e MBO's
  • A importância dos comportamentos - construir uma carta de equipa
  • Building meaning for employees - The case for continuous improvement
  • How productive am I? How productive is my team? Performance audits, reviews and implications
  • Evaluating potential and performance - The Grid for Talent Management review implications actions
Day Nine: Harnessing Potential to Create Engagement: Motivation, Commitment and Competence
  • Atribuição de tarefas e funções - jogador certo, posição certa
  • Improving Team Dynamics - Identifying Both Positive and Negative Group Behaviour Roles
  • Delegação bem-sucedida - a obtenção de resultados através dos esforços de outros
  • Motivating your People - core skills and practical steps
  • Aumentar a produtividade e o alinhamento equilibrando as interacções positivas e negativas
  • Lidar com o mau desempenho - Coaching para problemas de desempenho individual e de equipa
Day Ten: Creating a Culture of Engagement through Generous “Front Line” Leadership
  • Essencial para uma liderança generosa na linha da frente
  • The front tine leadership challenge - Creating a culture of connection
  • Action planning against the Employee engagement model
  • Quando o envolvimento vai longe demais - armadilhas de uma força exagerada
  • Equilíbrio entre pressão e desempenho
  • Balanço da semana e encerramento

O certificado

  • Certificado de conclusão AZTech para os delegados que frequentam e concluem o curso de formação



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