Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Finding Balance:
Proritising Wellness and Work

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

The Finding Balance course is a 5-day training program designed to help individuals achieve a harmonious integration of wellness and work in their lives. This course focuses on the importance of prioritizing self-care, managing stress, and fostering a healthy work-life balance. By providing practical strategies and tools, this course aims to empower participants to enhance their overall well-being and productivity.

Quels sont les objectifs ?

A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :

  • Understand the significance of finding balance between wellness and work
  • Identify personal and professional barriers to achieving balance
  • Develop strategies for managing stress and enhancing well-being
  • Cultivate skills for effective time management and prioritization
  • Create a personalized action plan for achieving work-life harmony
  • Foster a supportive work culture that values employee well-being

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Ce cours de formation s'adresse à un large éventail de professionnels, mais il leur sera très utile :

  • Professionals who experience high levels of stress and want to improve their well-being
  • Managers and team leaders interested in promoting a healthy work-life balance within their teams
  • Individuals seeking practical strategies to manage their time effectively and prioritize self-care
  • Anyone who desires to create a more fulfilling and balanced life by integrating wellness and work

Comment cette formation sera-t-elle présentée ?

Ce cours de formation AZTech utilisera une variété de techniques éprouvées d'apprentissage pour adultes afin d'assurer une compréhension et une rétention maximales des informations présentées. Il s'agira d'un mélange interactif d'apprentissage magistral et de discussions de groupe.

Le contenu du cours

Day One: Understanding the Importance of Balance
  • Introduction to the concept of work-life balance and its impact on overall well-being
  • Exploring the benefits of finding balance in personal and professional life
  • Assessing the current state of work-life balance and identifying areas for improvement
Day Two: Managing Stress and Enhancing Well-being
  • Recognizing the signs of stress and its impact on physical and mental health
  • Strategies for stress management and relaxation techniques
  • Cultivating healthy habits and self-care practices to enhance overall well-being
Day Three: Time Management and Productivity
  • Assessing time management habits and identifying areas for improvement
  • Effective goal-setting techniques for better time allocation and prioritization
  • Strategies for minimizing distractions and improving productivity
Day Four: Establishing Boundaries and Setting Priorities
  • Understanding the importance of setting boundaries in maintaining work-life harmony
  • Strategies for effective boundary-setting in personal and professional relationships
  • Identifying personal and professional priorities and aligning actions accordingly
Day Five: Creating a Personalized Work-Life Harmony Plan
  • Integrating the strategies learned throughout the course into a personalized action plan
  • Creating a supportive work environment that promotes work-life harmony
  • Developing strategies for maintaining balance and making adjustments when needed

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent à la formation et la terminent


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