Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Virtual Leadership:
Leading Dispersed Teams

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Modern day leadership theories and styles have evolved from the classical theories derived from the 1940’s, 50, and 60’s, with some adaptations over the years to suit the relevant decade.  However, our thinking and approach to leadership has mainly focused around being in constant presence with those we lead: e.g. we have a traditional central HQ, with all the senior management/Board residing there. This gives complete ‘hands-on’ control. With global fast-paced communication and augmented reality this traditional structure may not be always valid – and leaders will now often find that some of their key people are hundreds of miles away, living in another country, or just working from home.  Virtual leadership now requires a completely different emphasis of skills and techniques.  You can no longer just rely on your physical presence, but will need to adapt your leadership through other attributes and skills.

This training course has been developed to explore the new ways of virtual leadership and leading remotely with virtual teams. On the training course you will learn about the different approach of leadership that will need to be applied to leading virtual, remote or dispersed teams; the new engagement and influence techniques of leading others remotely; how to effectively communicate using different channels, remotely mange performance and tasks, as well as remotely developing people for greater performance using leading coaching and mentoring techniques. This is essential development for those leading remote and dispersed workers or virtual teams in their organisation.

Este curso de formação inclui

  • Qual a diferença entre a liderança tradicional e a liderança de equipas virtuais, remotas ou dispersas
  • Understand their own leadership style and how to adapt their ways of leading others
  • As principais competências de envolvimento e influência necessárias para liderar à distância
  • Os principais factores para liderar a mudança e resolver problemas com o teletrabalho
  • Como ser eficaz e eficiente na gestão do desempenho e dos resultados quando se trabalha com pessoas remotas e dispersas
  • As principais opções de desenvolvimento e condução de técnicas de desenvolvimento e coaching à distância

Quais são os objectivos?

No final deste curso de formação AZTech, os participantes serão capazes de

  • Compreender as diferentes abordagens à liderança com equipas virtuais, remotas ou dispersas
  • Influenciar e construir relações de trabalho para envolver e estabelecer relações à distância
  • Aplicar técnicas para liderar a mudança e gerir os problemas de forma eficaz
  • Demonstrate performance enhancing techniques in virtual environments
  • Aplicar o coaching e o mentoring para desenvolver os outros à distância

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit those leading or managing virtual, remote or dispersed teams:

  • Gestores seniores
  • Gestores
  • Gestores de projectos
  • Líderes de equipa

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes highly interactive exercises, case studies and targeted videos relevant to the topic area.  This will be reinforced through active facilitation, group dialogue and feedback throughout.  In addition a simple Leadership Profile Assessment will be used to highlight the leadership style of the individual, with 1-2-1 feedback and action review during the training course by the facilitator.

O conteúdo do curso

Day One: Virtual Leadership: Leading Remotely
  • Virtual, remote and dispersed working: what is there to gain?
  • Leadership and management in the modern world
  • Leadership styles and Virtual Leadership application
  • Qualities and characteristics of Virtual Leadership
  • Importance of VUCA leadership in the virtual world
  • Leadership Assessment (leadership profile)
  • Review of the Leadership Assessment: feedback and actions
Segundo dia: Influência e envolvimento num ambiente virtual
  • Communication problems of virtual teams and working remotely
  • Importance of communication in virtual, remote and dispersed working
  • Interpersonal Communication: applying different techniques to traditional methods
  • Gaining influence without being there: gaining trust
  • Using technology and media to build rapport and working relationships
  • Realização de reuniões em linha: controlar a reunião virtual
  • Gerir situações de conflito à distância
Day Three: Leading Change and Managing Problems in a Virtual Environment
  • Traditional change models and theories
  • O lado humano da mudança: curva de mudança pessoal
  • Liderar a mudança à distância: factores e estratégia
  • Lidar com problemas à distância (pessoas e tarefas)
  • Applying creative problem strategies and group think
Day Four: Managing Performance & Output Remotely
  • A motivação e o indivíduo
  • Defining Performance Management
  • Four Key blockers to performance
  • Managing performance remotely
  • Planning, organising and control in the virtual environment
  • Delegar e controlar tarefas no ambiente virtual
Quinto dia: Opções de desenvolvimento virtual dos indivíduos
  • Importância do desenvolvimento individual
  • Development options and applications in the virtual environment
  • Coaching e tutoria: modelos e princípios
  • How to conducting remote coaching and mentoring
  • Próximas etapas

O certificado

  • Certificado de conclusão AZTech para os participantes que frequentam e concluem o curso


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