Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Accomplished Office Administrator:
Effective Office Management

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

To manage an office effectively you need to first manage yourself, and then manage your time, tasks, and others in order to achieve maximum success. This course will help increase your motivation and confidence through understanding of principles and best practices of successful office management.

You will learn to prioritise, plan, and solve problems not just to get your work done on time, but to have continuous improvement in productivity. You will learn to communicate more confidently in public, meetings, and with all levels of staff, including managing difficult behaviours. Finally you will gain self management skills which will help you to cope with stress, keep a ‘can do’ positive attitude, and enjoy your job each day no matter what the challenges are.

Ce cours comprendra

  • Best practices for managing your daily responsibilities to achieve maximum output and success.
  • Best practices for streamlining your workflow and office environment.
  • Best practices for communicating effectively and assertively at all levels.
  • Best practices for releasing your personal potential, increasing self-discipline & self-awareness.
  • Best practices for creative thinking, problem solving, planning, and decision making.


Quels sont les objectifs ?

A la fin de ce cours, les participants seront capables de :

  • Établir des priorités et faire face à des tâches multiples sans dépasser les délais.
  • Penser comme un manager - planifier, prendre des décisions et résoudre des problèmes
  • Gérer ses pensées et ses sentiments pour améliorer sa confiance en soi et son autonomie
  • Communiquer efficacement et avec assurance à tous les niveaux et dans toutes les situations
  • Manage paperwork, diaries, meetings, presentations, and phones more effectively


Who is this Course for?

This course is suitable to anyone who works as office personnel as it will help them become more confident and effective at organising their work and their office to achieve maximum out-put with minimal stress. Further, this is suitable to a wide range of professional, but will greatly benefit:

  • Assistants administratifs
  • Assistants personnels
  • Secrétaires
  • Superviseurs/chefs d'équipe
  • Gestionnaires de bureau
  • Toute personne travaillant dans le domaine de l'assistance bureautique


Comment cela sera-t-il présenté ?

The course will be interactive and practical with learning methods to suit every kind of learning preference. There will be activities in groups and pairs as well as individual exercises and everyone will get an opportunity to discuss their work challenges in a supportive environment. There will also be opportunity to practice assertive communication skills through role play and to present a presentation towards the end of the week.


Le contenu du cours

Day One: Taking Control of your Work Life
  • Understanding and clarifying purpose, vision and mission
  • The secret to working smarter rather than harder
  • Controlling, prioritising and organising your work
  • Streamlining your office systems and getting your paperwork under control
  • Making your office user friendly and efficient
Day Two: Essential Administrative Skills
  • Harnessing the power of the mind – through Mind Mapping Techniques
  • Managing larger projects to meet deadlines
  • Planning skills – using a Gannt chart to chart work progress
  • Problem solving and decision making techniques
  • Decision Making tools
Day Three: Vital Communication Skills
  • Different styles of communication
  • Learning to be more assertive
  • Win-win conflict resolution
  • Understanding and using body language
  • Comprendre les différents types de personnalité et comment les gérer
Day Four: Developing as a Professional
  • Compétences d'écoute - chercher à comprendre avant d'être compris
  • Creating a professional image
  • Leadership skills
  • How to make presentations with confidence and power
  • Learn the essentials of planning a presentation
Day Five: Self-Empowerment and Self-Management
  • Understanding stress and learning coping skills
  • The essential skills of emotional intelligence
  • Utiliser l'intelligence émotionnelle au travail
  • Transforming fear and negativity and reactiveness
  • Becoming a more proactive, responsible and self-aware person

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent au cours et le terminent.
  • ILM Endorsed Certificate for delegates who successfully attend and pass the required assessment.


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