An intensive professional development training course on

Mastering Blockchain Architecture

Effective Skills Beyond the Hype

25-29 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
02-06 Jun 2025
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE
Mastering Blockchain Architecture
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Why Choose Mastering Blockchain Architecture Training Course?

In the era of digital transformation, where every business is thriving to digitize this whole ecosystem in order to provide innovative solutions and services to its clients, one emerging technology can revolutionize existing business models and help every single enterprise to achieve its digital goals. The Blockchain or the Trust Protocol has the potential to disrupt any type of business in any existing sector, as in addition to the well-known and famous applications of Blockchain, there are lot of hidden and unclassified applications that this advanced course will discuss in detail.

This AZTech training course aims to provide conceptual understanding of the function and architecture of Blockchain as a method of securing distributed ledgers, how consensus mechanisms are achieved, and the new applications that they enable. It also covers the technological underpinnings of Blockchain operations as distributed data structures and decision-making systems, their functionality, tools, smart contracts, developing new nodes, to the business and technical components. It also covers the different types of Blockchain platforms while highlighting the meticulous usage of each one while discussing real use cases examples for the most important Blockchain projects developed. 

This AZTech training course will investigate the existing Blockchain architectures, discuss the developing tools and security frameworks in order to top provide for the attendees the best way to suggest, design or develop successful and innovative Blockchain applications within their businesses.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • A Deep Technical Approach of Blockchain Systems
  • Detailed Business and Technical Blockchain Architecture
  • How to Implement an Enterprise Blockchain from The Idea to Minimum Viable Product
  • Profound Knowledge on Different Blockchain Platforms and Their Key Components
  • Alternative Use of Blockchain in Several Business Sectors

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the blockchain architecture and its commercial and practical components
  • Evaluate the setting where a blockchain structure can be applied, its potential and its limitations
  • Develop an enterprise blockchain solution and describe the whole process point by point
  • Understand blockchain security framework and how to secure newly developed blockchain applications
  • Apply all the skills learned into evaluating real world business uses cases and to assess interaction between blockchain and emerging technologies

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course will greatly benefit individuals who have basic blockchain knowledge, as well as developing and expanding those who already have some deeper expertise.

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Employees in charge of company strategy and innovation looking to be involved into blockchain technology
  • Individuals looking to start an advanced technical career in the blockchain industry
  • Decision makers and managers seeking robust understanding of how blockchain can transform their businesses and some practical ideas to reap the benefits of this technology

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This advanced AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes:

  • A highly interactive presentation with lot of computer visuals and graphics
  • Teamwork and role play activities including assessment of a blockchain solution
  • Videos and detailed case studies highlighting the usage of blockchain in different business sectors

The Course Content

Day One: Deeper Overview of Blockchain
  • What is Blockchain?
  • Differentiating Features of Blockchain
  • Technical Approach
  • Blockchain Architecture Tools
  • Developing Blockchain Nodes
  • Blockchain Fundamental Risks
Day Two: Blockchain Architecture
  • A Blockchain Demo
  • Business Components
  • Blockchain Stakeholders
  • Technical Components
  • Methods of Blockchain Security
  • Consensus Algorithms
Day Three: Enterprise Blockchain
  • Blockchain Lifecycle Solution
  • Use Case Identifications
  • Building a Proof of Concept
  • Types of Blockchains
  • What are Sidechains?
  • Smart Contracts in Details
Day Four: Blockchain Platforms
  • Existing Platforms
  • The Bitcoin Blockchain in Practice: Exchange, Wallets …
  • The Ethereum Blockchain
  • Hyperledger Fabric Model
  • Hyperledger Fabric Architecture
  • Hyperledger Fabric Components
Day Five: Alternative Uses of Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency and Innovation
  • Cryptocurrency and Central Banks
  • Innovation in Blockchain
  • Blockchain Uses Cases
  • Real World Trends and Applications
  • Blockchain Integration with Other Technologies

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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