29 September 2023
Nature or Nurture: Born of Made – The Leadership Enigma

Nature or Nurture: Born of Made – The Leadership Enigma

Academia have long struggled with the concept of ‘leadership’, asking some key questions: ‘Are leaders ‘born’ or are they ‘made’?’ and ‘To what extent does ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ play in this?’.

Whilst this conundrum has been in debate for many decades, one thing is clear – leadership directly involves adopting the correct ‘mindset’.

It is the inner thought process that determines, for example, whether someone should fight or give up, become aggressive or compassionate, empower or dictate.  It is the mental decision-making gained from experience and knowledge that builds our intuitive power that provides the driving force to excel in what we take on.  Truly excellent leaders have the correct mindset to accomplish the vision that they set out and influence others to follow.  But again, are these people born this way, developed or influenced by their environment?  What supporting evidence do we have for these ideas, and how will this help – not only our leadership – but also our own personal development?

It is now known that the brain has an ability of what we term ‘neuroplasticity’, i.e. it is not fixed, and is able to adapt and change.  This ability will have a direct influence our mindset – how we think, react and adapt.  There are many examples of this in medical science, where a person has had a stroke, losing the ability to write with the right-hand for example.  They are able to ‘train the brain’ to now write with their left.

In this process the brain has had to learn a new and different way of operating. This process is supported by the belief, willpower and determination of the person to be able to adapt to this new situation.  Learning to walk as a child involves the inner belief that we can walk, and the act provides the creation of new neuro pathways.  We stumble, we fall, until eventually we walk.  These pathways are further enhanced to allow us to adapt in order to run and jump.

By understanding how the brain and mind work we can develop our mindset to that of leadership, learning to adapt and take the right intuitive decisions.  The more we practice this the better we improve, both personally and for those we lead.

Often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, the phrase: ‘Be the change you want to see….’ highlights this inner belief of a focused mindset to achieve the goals vision, aim, targets and objectives – all required for excellent Leadership. By tapping into the immense potential of yourself, through a deep understanding of how the brain and mind work will only benefit your Leadership development for the better.  Being able to overcome negativity, increase the positive thoughts, changing from the ‘we can’t’ to the ‘we can’, will provide inspirational leadership to those around you.  This is the ‘mindset’ of Leaders.

Like in Academia, the discussion around ‘born or made’, ‘nature or nurture’ will continue – but this course will provide insightful knowledge, skills, tools and practical techniques to help achieve your leadership development and goals through an improved mindset.

Our innovative, highly interactive and thought-provoking ‘The Neuroscience of Leadership & Performance’ course has been developed to take your Leadership through into the next phase of Leadership discovery.

Please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our friendly team to enquire about this course.


AZTech is a leading international provider of training courses, seminars, workshops, programs, conferences and in-house training.  These can be delivered either in classroom or virtual setup. We deliver a wide range of cutting-edge training that include Strategy, Management & Leadership, Finance & Accounting, Health & Safety, Human Resources, Project Management, Procurement and Contracts Management, Mechanical, Maintenance, & Electrical Engineering. AZTech Training is all about ensuring that our delegates get Quality Assured Training and this commitment to delivering the best possible learning experience is demonstrated by our continuous working relationship with the world’s leading professional governing and certifying bodies. Visit us at www.aztechtraining.com.

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