22 March 2021
Advanced Teamwork &#038; Cooperation Skills: <br data-lazy-src=

Competências avançadas de trabalho em equipa e cooperação:
A arte de trabalhar em conjunto

“If you could get all the people in the organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time”

Patrick Lencioni, in his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, made this provocative statement that still echoes in my thoughts today. Perhaps I am reminded of it when I am delivering teamwork courses more often, but nevertheless it remains a powerful observation for anybody in business today. I have also found that it is universal and not confined to one sort of team as opposed to another. The quote has two words that I as a trainer must address to help organisations dominate their industry, in their market, against their competition and all their time. These two words that hold the key to success are “all” and “same”. My experience over thirty year of training worldwide suggests one word on its own will not be sufficient, we need both for the success that he promises.

You will realise that the baiting generated by the statement is simply that this is an ideal: a perfection, and perfection in business when dealing with “all” and “same” is unlikely if not impossible all the time. Glimpses perhaps, but fleeting, nonetheless.

The recent AZTech course “Advanced Teamwork & Cooperation Skills: The Art of Working Together” was the ideal opportunity to combine “all” and “same” concepts to the individuals who attended online. However, a warning to others looking for the phenomenon of domination. Please take into account that AZTech, the course or myself as your training consultant cannot give you that domination. Delegates and organisations need to bring the five aspects of the course to life within their own company through their skills, abilities and actions. The course provides five of the six conditions necessary for world domination in your business environment.

“Successful people understand the power of teamwork and collaboration”. Whether it is building good relationships with their stakeholders, their senior team members, winning the trust of clients or gaining the cooperation and engagement of their staff, relationships matter. Around the world each day, millions of deals are signed, contracts won, promotions awarded and the key in almost all of them is the relationship between the two parties. The bottom line is that “People do business with people they both like & trust”. It is here that we find the sixth condition of domination, that of relationships, minute by minute, action by action, goal by goal … ad infinitum.

This is the crux of the matter, and in Patrick Lencioni book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, he alludes to this condition. Simply “all” the people interactions cannot be the “same” all of the time. Therefore we need to learn and practice the art of building & forming strong and healthy relationships that will lead to cooperation and collaboration with those you interact with. This course enables participants to gain the greater cooperation from others while forming strong relationships with stakeholders and building better client relationships. Not only will it give them the confidence to gain the trust and respect of their teams, but it will also maximize their success while building a high performance team.

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form from us or just by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.  For more information click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited.  To reserve your place, contact [email protected] or call +971 50 195 5668

A AZTech é um dos principais fornecedores internacionais de cursos de formaçãoseminários, workshops, programas, conferências e formação interna. Estes cursos podem ser ministrados em em sala de aula ou virtual virtual. Oferecemos uma vasta gama de formação de ponta que inclui Estratégia, Gestão e Liderança, Finanças e Contabilidade, Saúde e Segurança, Recursos Humanos, Gestão de projectos, Aprovisionamento e Gestão de Contratos, Mecânica, Manutenção, & Engenharia eléctrica. O objetivo da AZTech Training é garantir que os nossos formandos recebam Formação de Qualidade Garantida e este empenho em proporcionar a melhor experiência de aprendizagem possível é demonstrado pela nossa relação de trabalho contínua com os principais organismos de certificação e de controlo profissional do mundo. Visite-nos em www.aztechtraining.com.

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