Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Mind, Attitude &
Motivation Power

Personal Empowerment for Professional Success

29 juillet-02 août 2024
Dubaï - EAU
25-29 novembre 2024
Londres - Royaume-Uni
24-28 février 2025
Dubaï - EAU
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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

If you desire to be at the cutting edge of the latest Leadership Skills and strategies and are choosing to empower, inspire and motivate yourself into the top professional zone, then this Mind, Attitude & Motivation Power training course is for you! Bill Gates, the Founder of Microsoft, has said: “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others!” and Jack Welch, the well-known USA business executive and author and former chairman and CEO of General Electric, states, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others!” Here we see two major leadership requirements! Firstly, empowering yourself, and then empowering and growing others!"

This AZTech training course, Mind, Attitude and Motivation Power, has been specially designed to empower your own self, through the latest transformational dynamics of the mind, attitude and motivation. It is a very highly interactive training course and will help you focus on the areas of your job in which successful interpersonal interaction with others is key and at the same time show you how you can develop powerful mind and motivation strategies, which are necessary for improving your people skills, as well as achieve effective leadership skills.

Ce cours de formation comprendra :

  • Dynamics that will turbo-charge your personal and business life
  • Identifier l'importance des compétences en matière de relations interpersonnelles
  • How to develop a self-coaching motivation programme
  • How to introduce attitudinal mindset changes that will motivate your life to an exciting new level!
  • Les dernières études sur la reprogrammation du subconscient
  • Comment inspirer, équiper et motiver les autres pour qu'ils adoptent un style de vie performant et couronné de succès ?

Quels sont les objectifs ?

A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :

  • Identifier le pouvoir des choix, des décisions et des actions de l'esprit
  • Show how attitude and interpersonal relationships affect every area of our lives
  • Développer des compétences spécifiques en matière de gestion de la vie
  • Savoir se motiver et motiver les autres
  • Develop pro-active motivation as a way of life

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Il convient parfaitement aux cadres de tous niveaux, au personnel des ressources humaines et aux professionnels qui ont l'intention de diriger depuis le sommet et qui sont tenus d'apporter un changement positif et une transition dans leur entreprise.

Ce cours de formation AZTech convient à un large éventail de professionnels, mais il leur sera très utile :

  • Les personnes ayant un réel potentiel de leadership dynamique
  • Individuals being groomed for top-quality leadership
  • Les personnes qui ont fait preuve de grandes capacités de leadership
  • Personnes capables de former d'autres personnes
  • Individuals who want to sharpen their inspirational, creative leadership

Comment cette formation sera-t-elle présentée ?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include interactive practical exercises, video clips and life-relating stories and illustrations, group and class teamwork sessions, group competitions, questionnaires and case studies, an informal, relaxing atmosphere, which maximizes learning. Since this is a highly interactive training course, the process will involve the use of a multi-sensory system of learning (listening, observing, seeing, interacting and with a follow-through program and materials).


Le contenu du cours

Day One: Harnessing the Power of your Mind
  • The challenge of personal mindset development
  • Examine the importance of the mind
  • Operate the sowing and reaping principle - cause and effect
  • How to develop a self-coaching programme
  • Understand your conscious and subconscious mind
  • How to reprogramme your subconscious mind
Day Two: Selective and Creative Thinking
  • Understanding the mind-body communication connection and impact
  • Discover the principle of replacement
  • Découvrez pourquoi l'enthousiasme est si important
  • How to develop a positive mindset channel
  • Develop positive self-image creative thinking
  • What controls your life? -TFD scenario
Day Three: Discover the Significance of Attitudinal Living
  • Discover what attitudinal understanding really means?
  • Find the greatest discovery of the 20th Century
  • Discover the power of personal and corporate resilience
  • Observe how your attitude will position you
  • Advantages of a positive mental attitude
  • How to overcome a negative mental attitude with a PMA?
Day Four: Attitude Management
  • Discover the 'golden rule' of interaction
  • What is the 'extra-mile' principle?
  • Observe the 85% - 15% success principle
  • Discover the psychology of a winning smile
  • Develop an attitude of personal determination and persistence
  • Recognise how your attitude affects your fellow staff and customers
Day Five: Mind Set Motivation
  • Understand the ‘as a man thinks' principle
  • Pourquoi la motivation est-elle si importante ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?
  • Learn to practice goal setting motivation
  • Analyse the 3 major types of motivation
  • How to be an environmental change agent
  • Discover how to be pro-active in every area of your life

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent à la formation et la terminent

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