Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Professional Leadership
Empowerment to Enhance
your Career

Expanding your Interpersonal Attitudinal Dynamics

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Welcome!  Thank you for taking this life-changing, career enhancing moment to empower your future success!  You are about to enter the zone of successful, proactive high achievers!  Bill Gates, the Founder of Microsoft, says “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others!”  Jack Welch, the well-known American business executive, author and former chairman and CEO of General Electric, states that, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself!  When you become a leader, success is all about growing others!”  

In other words, the real key to success in life, is firstly, to empower yourself within, before you can be really effective outwardly, in growing and developing others!  This life-empowering AZTech online training course, is especially designed to assist you in achieving, this through understanding and applying the latest cutting edge, transformational, mind, attitude and motivational dynamics!

Quais são os objectivos?

By attending this AZTech online training course delegates will be able to:

  • Descobrir a dinâmica da capacitação pessoal
  • Identificar o significado das competências de relacionamento interpessoal
  • Desenvolver um programa de motivação de auto-coaching
  • Compreender as mudanças de mentalidade que motivarão a sua vida para um novo e excitante nível!
  • Receba os últimos estudos sobre como reprogramar o subconsciente.
  • Saber como inspirar, equipar e motivar os outros para um estilo de vida de sucesso e de elevado desempenho

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

This AZTech online training course is suitable to wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Indivíduos com verdadeiro potencial de liderança dinâmica
  • Pessoas a serem preparadas para uma liderança de alta qualidade
  • Indivíduos que tenham demonstrado grande capacidade de liderança
  • Indivíduos que podem formar outros
  • Indivíduos que pretendem aperfeiçoar a sua liderança inspiradora e criativa

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

Como é que isto vai ser apresentado?

This online training course will utilise a variety of proven online learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. 

O conteúdo do curso

Amongst a wide range of life empowering topics, the following will be prioritized:
  • O desafio do desenvolvimento da mentalidade pessoal
  • Como desenvolver um programa de auto-coaching
  • Como reprogramar o seu subconsciente
  • Compreender a ligação e o impacto da comunicação mente-corpo
  • Develop and attitude of personal determination and persistence
  • Como se motivar a si próprio e aos outros

 These life-empowering and career expanding benefits, will enable individuals to develop the needed disciplines that help bridge the gaps between goals and accomplishment. High achievers are people who have learned to effectively manage themselves, tapping on all resources available to motivate themselves toward the fulfilment of their fullest potentials.  We will look forward to meeting you at this very proactive, inspirational, and empowering online leadership course!

O certificado

  • An AZTech e-Certificate will be given to delegates who attend and complete the online course

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