Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Innovating the Workplace

Creating the New Normal

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Visão geral do curso de formação online

The business environment has changed significantly since the Global Pandemic  have created new ways and opportunities to do business.  Many organizations are redefining their workplace, customer services and employee engagement in their quest to settle into this new reality.   To succeed in this new environment, we need to become adept at both managing change, encouraging innovation, and creating an environment which supports both. 

Today’s workplace leaders must operate as “Facilitators of Change” and define, innovate and Implement new ideas many of which can come from those who are closest to the workflow.  Take the time out to learn about how you and your people can reinvent the workplace for a more productive workplace climate.

Quais são os objectivos?

Objectivos do curso de formação em linha

No final deste curso de formação online AZTech, será capaz de

  • Learn ways to create an environment which encourages innovation within the context of the organization.
  • Develop some methods of identifying creative personnel that can help innovate the work environment
  • Learn techniques for making changes to workers roles
  • Learn some techniques to encourage workers to become more creative in their roles.

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

Concebido para

Este curso de formação online da AZTech é adequado a um vasto leque de profissionais, mas beneficiará muito:

  • Líderes de equipa
  • Gestores
  • Supervisores

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

This online training course will utilise a variety of proven online learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. 

O conteúdo do curso

Day 1: Encouraging a Creative Climate at Work                                                
  • The Critical Mass for Change and Innovation
  • Defining Changes Needed in your Organization                                                            
  • Successful techniques for Changing Jobs and People
Day 2: Gaining the Participation of the Workforce                                                         
  • Defining, Identifying and Developing Creative People
  • Desenvolver o potencial criativo das pessoas e das equipas
  • Creating a Climate of constant change            
Day 3: Implementing New Ideas                                                                                          
  • Incubating and executing new ideas
  • Interacting creatively within the Change Process
  • Setting new standards of work

O certificado

  • Um certificado eletrónico AZTech para os delegados que frequentem e concluam o curso de formação online


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