Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Activating a Powerful
Leadership Mindset

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Visão geral do curso de formação online

Welcome to this career and life-changing, course!  This powerful online training course, “Activating a Powerful Leadership Mindset!”, has been specifically designed for developing leaders with cutting edge strategies, by empowering and activating their personal mindset development skills.

John Maxwell, American author, speaker, and leadership expert says, “The largest gap between successful and unsuccessful people in life is the thinking gap!  I am not talking about being smart   I am not talking about your IQ.  I am talking about how you think!  Successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.  Wise thinking leads to right living!  Stupid thinking leads to wrong living!”

Dr Caroline Leaf, PhD., Neuro Research Scientist, states that “You can design and redesign your mind!  Your thinking is redesigning the landscape of your mind!”. Solomon sums it up when he said, “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts!”

This revealing and personal transformational online course opens up the very powerful inner world, of where real success and achievement comes from.  Discovering a positive, creative mindset, is one of the most significant factors in achieving personal success and happiness. You will speak, act and react, according to how your mind is programmed.  Let us empower you, to be the best you, for your future success.

Quais são os objectivos?

Objectivos do curso de formação em linha

By the end of this online training course, you will be able to:

  • Optimise your powerful subconscious mind
  • Empower your RAS – your Reticular Activating System
  • Understand the significance of your interpersonal relationship skills
  • Practice the dynamics of Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis
  • Identify how your thinking effects your health and well-being
  • Establish a mind empowering self-coaching programme

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

Concebido para

This AZTech online course is designed for all potential and present personnel, that desire improving and enhancing their best quality competitive edge management skills, through these leadership, mindset success changing dynamics.

Este curso de formação em linha é adequado a um vasto leque de profissionais, mas beneficiará muito:

  • Próximos gestores / líderes
  • Líderes actuais que pretendem expandir as suas competências de liderança
  • Top leaders to sharpen them with the latest leadership mindset research dynamics

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

This training course will utilise a variety of proven online adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. This includes stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with interactive trainer lead sessions of discussion. This training course will be taught online using a suitable platform.

O conteúdo do curso

Online Training Course Outline
De entre um vasto leque de temas valiosos, será dada prioridade aos seguintes
  • Understanding the power of the subconscious mind
  • O significado das relações interpessoais
  • Developing a mind empowering self-coaching programme
  • Como reprogramar o subconsciente
  • Como desenvolver uma mente criativa e inovadora
  • Know how to be action orientated and proactive

O certificado

  • Será fornecido um certificado eletrónico AZTech aos participantes que frequentem e concluam o curso de formação em linha


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