18 April 2021
Adapt or Become Extinct!

Adapt or Become Extinct!

We’ve all heard the phrase “change is the only constant” and this has never been more relevant than now. We are all getting used to the new naorms, most of which has been forced on us. We are expected to adapt to new ways of working, changes in team management, challenges with remote collaboration and we are all feeling increased personal pressures in our lives.

On top of this, customer behaviours, preferences and expectations changed drastically, and we need to deploy more flexible business models and processes during these challenging times.  Companies were forced to bring Digital Transformation programs forward and deliver on those objectives much earlier than expected.

We are all trying to figure out the best ways to cope and to thrive out as we go along. Luckily, there are guiding principles that we can follow to help us along this journey! Having an open mind is an essential ingredient for success in the modern workplace as it impacts the way we think, the way we feel and the way we perform in our roles. The research shows that, apart from good communication, people management and creative problem-solving skills, we need the ability to adopt to change and be flexible.  

Understanding what it means to be agile and to have an agile mindset as an individual can also be extrapolated to organisations. In order to survive these difficult times and to thrive despite the challenges organisations have to demonstrate agility. The Agile Manifesto is a set of guiding principles and values that enable companies to embark on agile transformation. Traditional ways of working are no longer relevant as customers have the power to choose who they deal with and they are no longer loyal to one provider. Customers are seeking value for money, they have high expectations, they want products and services as the lowest possible cost and as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

In order to get a competitive advantage, we have to put the customer first in everything we do. Customer experience is not a department, it is part of each employee’s role, even non-customer facing staff. We have to work with our customers to solve their problems in a creative and collaborative way and do this in real-time. Customer interactions now takes priority over processes and tools. We can’t always follow a plan; we have to respond to change and be empowered to make on-the-fly decisions. Our employees need to feel that we trust and support them to deliver exceptional experiences at every touch point.

There is more focus on self-managed teams which means that employees from different backgrounds and different departments will come together to work on these complex challenges by evaluating it from different angles and by providing solutions in shorter time frames. Working in agile ways improves transparency and ensures more predictable delivery.

You can help to put your organisation on the path to agility or to accelerate existing programs by applying the guiding principles and values of the Agile Manifesto. Become part of the Agile Transformation movement today!

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form from us or just by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.

For more information click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited.  To reserve your place, contact [email protected] or call +971 50 195 5668

AZTech est un fournisseur international de premier plan de cours de formationséminaires, ateliers, programmes, conférences et formation interne. Ces formations peuvent être dispensées soit en salle de classe ou virtuelle virtuelle. Nous proposons un large éventail de formations de pointe, notamment dans les domaines suivants La stratégie, la gestion et le leadership, Finance et comptabilité, Santé et sécurité, Ressources Humaines, Gestion de projet, achats et de gestion des contrats, Mécanique, Maintenance, & Ingénierie électrique. AZTech Training s'efforce de garantir que nos délégués obtiennent une formation de qualité et cet engagement à fournir la meilleure expérience d'apprentissage possible est démontré par notre relation de travail continue avec les principaux organismes professionnels de réglementation et de certification du monde. Visitez-nous à l'adresse suivante www.aztechtraining.com.

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