Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

The Dynamic Leader

Decisions & Leadership Styles Development

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

This highly participative course will help you to develop your leadership skills to lead others in making effective decisions.  In this course you will learn the latest breakthrough methods in the dynamics involved in effective decision making. The course will equip you with creative problem solving skills as you embark on making decisions on difficult situations in the workplace. You will obtain the latest insights into the dynamics of effective decision making and effective leadership skills. By applying these leadership skills to the tasks and challenges you face in your work, you will develop excellent leadership styles which will help your workplace to be more productive.

Ce cours comprendra

  • Gaining insights into your decision making styles
  • Développer vos capacités de prise de décision
  • Appliquer la résolution créative de problèmes sur le lieu de travail
  • Overcoming mental blocks to effective decision making  
  • Effective leadership to develop team problem solving skills 


Quels sont les objectifs ?

A la fin de ce cours, les participants seront capables de :

  • Understand how to cultivate key leadership styles
  • Develop personal growth as an effective leader
  • Display better understanding of how to lead others towards effective decision making
  • Develop personal insights on how to cultivate creativity in the organization
  • Apply effective leadership styles in different situations


Who is this Course for?

Ce cours s'adresse à un large éventail de professionnels, mais il leur sera très utile :

  • Professionals who are new Leaders
  • Professionals keen on acquiring a Managerial position
  • Any person actively involved in the dynamics of making decisions and providing leadership to others in supervisory roles. 


Comment cela sera-t-il présenté ?

This course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes case studies, interactive activities, exercises and instructional videos.


Le contenu du cours

Premier jour

Gaining Insights into your Leadership Styles

  • How Perception influences our leadership style
  • Understanding our personality
  • Personality and leadership style
  • Improving our strengths & managing our weaknesses
  • Maximizing our interpersonal relationship with others
  • Éliminer les angles morts émotionnels et mentaux
Deuxième jour

Developing Decision Making Skills

  • Using your left brain & right brain to make decisions
  • Split brain theory for developing effective problem solving skills
  • Developing openness to new ideas in making decisions
  • Promoting idea mobility in teams
  • Understanding the creative solving process in individuals and teams
  • IDEAL problem solving approach
Troisième jour

Applying Effective Decision Making Skills in the Workplace

  • Encourager la résolution créative de problèmes en vue d'une amélioration continue
  • Removing blocks to creative problem solving
  • Convergent versus Divergent Thinking
  • Divergent Thinking Skills for solving problems
  • Using SCAMPER techniques to approach problem solving
  • Applying SCAMPER techniques to make effective decisions
Quatrième jour

Overcoming Mental Blocks to Decision Making

  • Challenging self-imposed assumptions
  • Metaphorical thinking
  • Increasing new ideas
  • Faire adhérer les gens à vos idées
  • Evaluating new ideas
  • Creative leadership
Cinquième jour

Effective Leadership to Develop Dynamic Problem Solving in the Team

  • Assurer l'alignement sur la mission de l'entreprise
  • Encouraging self-initiated activity
  • Endorsing Unofficial activity
  • Renforcer la sérendipité
  • Importance of appreciating diverse stimuli
  • Élaborer un plan d'action personnel

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent au cours et le terminent.
  • ILM Endorsed Certificate for delegates who successfully attend and pass the required assessment.


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