Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Oil Water Treatment Technology

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

When oil companies drill a well, approximately 130,000 gallons of water are required. This quantity is dwarfed when during well stimulation, water usage increases to 2.5 million gallons. During production, water injection or flooding increases the well pressure and enhances oil recovery from 30% of the oil in place to as much as 50%. The water used during these operations is required to be of a certain quality, however the importance of proper water treatment is often underestimated. This is due to the tremendous variation in the water sources used i.e. seawater, borehole and river water. Poor water quality, may lead to clogging of the reservoir and loss of oil production particularly during well stimulation and water injection.

For every barrel of crude produced 7-10 barrels of water are produced, reusing it is vital for reducing the quantity of water used during the reservoirs lifetime. Produced water contains some oil and its treatment to an environmentally acceptable level is mandatory before disposal. Good oil and water separation is therefore necessary and the physics as well as the mechanics of proper oil and water separation need to be well understood not only for water reuse but also to meet these strict environmental discharge regulations. The methods most commonly employed for oil water separations, include gravity settling and gas flotation. Flotation depends on the surface characteristics of the oil and on its interaction with the gas bubbles. The method used depends on many factors including the type and physical and chemical characteristics of the crude oil ultimately however the governing principle of these separations is dictated by Stokes law.


Quels sont les objectifs ?

Dans ce cours de formation AZTech, vous allez.. :

  • Découvrez les détails de l'impact d'une chimie efficace de l'eau des champs pétrolifères
  • Comprehend how to assess the oilfield production liquid separation principles
  • Comprendre l'importance d'un traitement adéquat de l'eau
  • Appreciate the importance of reusing produced water
  • Développer les compétences nécessaires pour évaluer les technologies utilisées dans la séparation de l'huile et de l'eau


À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Ce cours de formation AZTech convient à un large éventail de professionnels, mais il leur sera très utile :

  • Ingénieurs, cadres techniques et superviseurs
  • Coordinateurs de maintenance
  • Directeurs et superviseurs des opérations et de la fabrication
  • Contremaîtres et chefs d'équipe
  • Ingénieurs d'usine et de terrain
  • New engineers
  • Les personnes souhaitant acquérir une compréhension générale du secteur


Comment cela sera-t-il présenté ?

A range of interactive training methods will be used including practical exercises, case studies, question and answer sessions and group discussions to cover current practices in the field. Presentations will underpin topics that highlight key issues on oil water separation technologies. The training manual will support the learning experiences and provide additional reference materials and examples.


Le contenu du cours

Day One: Oilfield water Chemistry
  • Water Chemistry Fundamentals
  • Réglementations environnementales et spécifications relatives à l'eau
  • Échantillonnage et analyse de l'eau
  • Water Scaling, Corrosion Control and Microbiology of Water
  • Produced Water Generation and Production and Management Practices
  • Impacts environnementaux causés par l'eau produite
  • Traitement et élimination de l'eau produite
  • Déshuilage / Élimination des matières organiques solubles
  • Dessalement / Désinfection
Day Two: Oilfield Production Liquid Separation principles
  • Nature, chimie et composition des hydrocarbures
  • Test Methods for Oil and Grease
  • Emulsions / Stabilization, Destabilization,
  • Principles of Flotation
  • Key Design Parameters of Flotation
  • Henrys & Stokes Laws
  • Nucleus & Rate of Rise Theory
  • Air-To-Solids Ratio
Day Three: Separation and Treatment (I)
  • Mechanical filters & Filtration Technologies
  • Gravity Separation Systems
  • Separators - 2 and 3 Phase
  • Skim Tanks
  • Séparateurs API
  • Coalesceurs à plaques
  • Skim Piles
  • Procédés d'évaporation
Day Four: Separation and Treatment (II)
  • Ion exchange
  • Membrane processes
  • Electrodeionization
  • Desalination
  • Gas flotation systems
    • Dissolved Air
    • Induced Gas
    • Dispersed Gas
Day Five: Crude Oil Desalting 
  • Desalting Technologies
  • Desalting Equipment
  • Zéro rejet liquide (ZLD)
  • Recyclage/réutilisation des eaux usées
  • Étude de cas
  • Révision du cours
  • Fermer

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent et terminent le cours de formation.


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