Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Negotiating, Drafting
& Understanding Contracts

Achieving Excellence in Contracting

Sessions en salle de classe

15-19 juillet 2024
Barcelone - Espagne
21-25 octobre 2024
Londres - Royaume-Uni
27-31 janvier 2025
Dubaï - EAU

Sessions en ligne

15-19 juillet 2024
En ligne
06-10 janvier 2025
En ligne
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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

This Negotiating, Drafting & Understanding Contracts training course covers the three stages of contract development and management: negotiating the ‘deal’; documenting that agreement in a robust, but practical way; and managing the contract to ensure that what was negotiated and documented gets delivered. It will also explore the key rights and obligations that contracts usually create, as well as examining how to deal with problems that arise in contracts, such as disputes.

Ce cours de formation AZTech comprendra

  • Gaining a broad understanding of contracts and your ability to use them to develop and protect your organisation
  • Examining the latest techniques for you to consider and negotiate contracts with confidence
  • Considering principles widely used in international contract making, such as risk allocation and dispute management
  • Practical tips for business professionals to deal with the consequences of non-performance
  • Analysing the mechanics of creating contracts in the English language

Quels sont les objectifs ?

A l'issue de cette formation AZTech, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • Understand the need to negotiate the “deal” before structuring the contract documentation
  • Utilise tools & techniques to assist in such negotiations & enhance the efficient management of a contract
  • Analyse the drafting and amendment of specific contract clauses, using real examples
  • Introduce some of the differences in approach in different jurisdictions
  • Examine ways to avoid disputes, or to manage them successfully

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Ce cours de formation AZTech profitera à tous les niveaux de personnel engagé dans la gestion des contrats, la négociation, l'approvisionnement, les opérations et les litiges. Ce cours de formation convient à un large éventail de professionnels des contrats, mais il sera très utile :

  • Administrateurs de contrats, professionnels des contrats et coordinateurs de projets
  • Responsables de l'approvisionnement, acheteurs, professionnels des achats et de l'approvisionnement
  • Professionnels des projets, de la construction, des coûts et des quantités
  • Personnel chargé des sinistres, y compris les conseillers juridiques
  • Gestionnaires de contrats
  • Those new to the function, preparing for a major project or experienced professionals looking for a refresher

Comment cette formation sera-t-elle présentée ?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. This will include stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with interactive trainer lead discussion sessions. Delegates will be encouraged to raise their own issues and problems faced within their industry or organisations for discussion on a confidential basis.

Le contenu du cours

Day One: Negotiating the Agreement you Want
  • The context of commercial arrangements
  • Negotiating Principles for contracts
  • Fixer des objectifs contractuels
  • Les principaux éléments négociables
  • Achieving an appropriate balance of commercial risks
  • Relationship between negotiation and contract drafting
Day Two: Drafting the Contract You’ve Negotiated
  • What constitutes a contract? – the essential elements
  • Forme, ingrédients et structure de base
  • What are the Contract documents? constructing the jigsaw puzzle
  • Working with standard forms and model agreements
  • Using contract qualification to amend the other side’s draft
  • Temporary contractual arrangements: Letters of Intent and other interim agreements
Day Three: Understanding Contractual Rights and Obligations
  • Operative provisions and performance obligations
  • Title, Risk and Payment provisions
  • Liabilities, indemnities and the duty to insure
  • Limitation and exclusion of liability, force majeure and waiver
  • Remedies for default, damages and penalties
Day Four: Managing the Contract You’ve Signed
  • Finalising the contract and getting started
  • Kick-off meetings: Setting and managing expectations
  • Creating a contractual performance environment
  • Handling Contract Variations: changing the scope of work
  • Dealing with under-performance - defaults, delay and disruption
  • Payment issues – including in international trade
Day Five: Resolving Contractual Claims and Disputes
  • Managing contractor claims
  • Recognising potential problems and dealing with issues as they arise
  • Governing Law of the contract and dispute resolution
  • Using contract-based resolution – referring disputes to an Adjudicator
  • External dispute resolution – Litigation and Arbitration
  • Modern alternatives – Mediation, Expert Determination and other methods

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui participent et terminent le cours de formation

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