Un cours intensif de formation professionnelle sur

Achieving Techniques & Best Practices
in Problem Solving & Decision Making (PSDM)

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?

This course offers a step by step journey from problem identification to solution generation and additionally to evaluate creative techniques that challenge more traditional models of “outcomes thinking”. It offers wide range of tools and techniques and insights into how leaders can inspire the creative process within themselves and their teams and the wider organisation. Delegates will leave energized and convinced of their creative potential. Decision making and problem solving represent the most important of all managerial and leadership activities; if you can make timely, well-considered and informed decisions, then you can lead your team and organisation to deserved success.

Ce cours comprendra

  • La psychologie de la personnalité et son influence sur les solutions que nous choisissons.
  • The application of whole brain thinking to the problem solving process
  • How to balance the logical and creative dimensions of problem solving
  • Évaluer la créativité personnelle et défier les blocages mentaux qui limitent notre pensée
  • How to build an agenda for creative leadership


Quels sont les objectifs ?

A la fin de ce cours, les participants seront capables de :

  • Déterminer des méthodes pragmatiques pour une résolution efficace des problèmes
  • Appreciate the impact of personality on the decision making and problem solving process
  • Evaluate and apply a structured approach to generate solutions to organisational issues
  • Évaluer la créativité personnelle et organisationnelle et établir un programme de progression
  • Apply appropriate creative problem solving techniques that generate original solutions


Who is this Course for?

This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals or anyone wishing to improve their communication, interpersonal, problem solving and decision making skills. It will have specific appeal to:

  • Les dirigeants qui cherchent à remettre en question la culture de leur organisation et à stimuler l'innovation.
  • Les chefs d'équipe désireux de développer leurs compétences en matière de gestion et de mettre en place une pratique collaborative.
  • Les professionnels souhaitant développer leurs techniques de gestion et de leadership
  • Les dirigeants d'organisations qui prennent des décisions clés pour l'entreprise
  • Les nouveaux membres des équipes de direction et toute personne souhaitant améliorer ses compétences en matière de communication, de relations interpersonnelles, de résolution de problèmes et de prise de décision.


Comment cela sera-t-il présenté ?

This course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The emphasis is on experiential learning and applying theory in a practical way to foster good practice. All activities are focused on making an impact and improvement. The learning process is designed to accommodate all styles of learner the activist, the reflector, the theorist and the pragmatist. Psychometric tools are employed to offer objective feedback on performance and utilise to target future areas of potential improvement.


Le contenu du cours

Premier jour

The Psychology of Problem Solving and Decision Making

  • Introduction: Why study problem solving and decision making
  • A synopsis of psychological thought
  • Values, Problem Solving and Bias in Decision Making
  • Psychological type and Lateral Thinking for Problem Solving
  • Psychometric assessment on your problem solving preferences
  • Using a team approach to encourage structured and lateral thinking
Deuxième jour

Problem solving, the cognitive process and whole brain thinking

  • Problem solving: the highest order cognitive process
  • Split brain theory to make informed and balanced decisions
  • Developing openness to new ideas in making decisions
  • The model of creative problem solving
  • Lessons in facing the unexpected events
  • Decision Making and the Management of Change
Troisième jour

Creating Continuous Improvement in the Workplace

  • Encourager la résolution créative de problèmes en vue d'une amélioration continue
  • L'enquête appréciative et l'accent mis sur les dialogues positifs
  • Solution focus methodology: a radical transformational approach to solving problems
  • Diagnostic tools for organisational improvement
  • Using techniques to innovate and improve process and product
  • The Disney Creative Thinking Strategy
Quatrième jour

Building Creative Capability in Self and Removing Mental Blocks

  • How creative am I’? Challenging self-imposed assumptions
  • Thinking outside the box and ‘Imagineering’: current examples from technology
  • Curiosita’: using the multiple intelligences of Leonardo da Vinci
  • A model for organisational innovation
  • Organisational culture and its influence on the creative organisation
  • Creative leadership in times of crisis: the role of emotional intelligence in decision making
Cinquième jour

The Creative Leader in the Innovative Organisation

  • Leadership style and decision making activities
  • Renforcer la sérendipité
  • Assurer l'alignement sur la mission de l'entreprise
  • Assessing creativity in your organisation
  • Creating "innovation champions" as a strategy for fostering change
  • Developing a personal action plan for the workplace and assessment guidance

Le certificat

  • Certificat d'achèvement AZTech pour les délégués qui assistent au cours et le terminent.
  • ILM Endorsed Certificate for delegates who successfully attend and pass the required assessment.


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