11 October 2018

Gestion du comportement et intelligence émotionnelle

In Istanbul last week, Winston Chew successfully delivered a very dynamic presentation, “Behavioral Management and Emotional Intelligence” – this is one of the most impactful self-management and team-building programs one can ever sign up for post-modernism workplace environment. On Day 1 itself the course had inspired and empowered professionals, and those desiring to gain greater self-awareness and mastery, social-awareness and interpersonal skills. If there is a way to measure delegates’ neuro-networks within the brain, perhaps, one would probably witness substantial growth and expansion of intrapersonal and interpersonal related neurons…  

Using science-based approaches, mind altering technique, brain-gym exercises and behavioural modifying simulation, participants will learn and develop long lasting behavioural management skills.  This program will challenge one’s mind to become more open to more options in solving human-related issues in the workplace. 

Self-transforming skills are seamlessly crafted into every session helping participants achieve long-lasting learning experiences, especially in the way they manage their own emotions as well as in handling the emotions of others.

Most sessions are “hands-on” learning experiences, aimed to expose blind-spot, identify limiting belief systems, self-sabotaging behaviors, and rectify broken strategy in the pursue of excellence in behavioural management.

Participants will look forward to completing the program with the expectation that they would return to their respective workplaces empowered, and well equipped to recognize, and reform their gift and potential to their organizations and communities – saving them 5-10 years learning curve.

Participants would experience the following:

  • Identify their personal behavioral style
  • Develop an awareness of others’ behavioral patterns
  • Recognize the benefits of emotional intelligence
  • Discover how to manage their emotions
  • Identify techniques for dealing with difficult behaviors

To know more about the future session of this course please visit this link:


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