Um curso de formação intensivo de desenvolvimento profissional sobre

Integração das energias renováveis

Sustainable Renewables Incorporating Grid Integration for Future Smart Grids

We currently have no scheduled sessions for this course. If you are interested in running this course, please contact our Training Department at [email protected]

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Porquê escolher este curso de formação?

Why is Renewable Energy Integration essential in modern day electrical grid systems? This Renewable Energy Integration training course focuses on incorporating renewable energy, distributed generation, energy storage, thermally activated technologies, and demand response into the electric distribution and transmission system.

The solar power and wind turbines approaches are being used to conduct integration development and demonstrations to address technical, economic, regulatory, and institutional barriers for using renewable and distributed systems. In addition to fully addressing operational issues, the integration also establishes viable business models for incorporating these technologies into capacity planning, grid operations, and demand-side management.

Electric utilities are increasingly tasked with meeting Renewable Portfolio Standards, and are looking to generate power from wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass sources. But integrating the power from such renewable sources into the grid can be a daunting challenge.

This training course will have the following benefits:

  • Reduce carbon emissions and emissions of other air pollutants through increased use of renewable energy and other clean distributed generation
  • Increase of asset use through integration of distributed systems and customer loads to reduce peak load and thus lower the costs of electricity
  • Support achievement of renewable portfolio standards for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Enhance reliability, security, and resiliency from microgrid applications in critical infrastructure protection and highly constrained areas of the electric grid
  • Support reductions in oil use by enabling plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV) operations with the grid
  • Emphasis on wind power, solar power and energy storage systems

Quais são os objectivos?

No final deste curso de formação AZTech, os participantes serão capazes de

  • Understand the grid flexibility to renewable energy integration
  • Determinar os diferentes tipos de energias renováveis
  • Explicar os diferentes tipos de painéis solares
  • Analisar os tipos comuns de parques eólicos
  • Understand the various type of energy storage systems

A quem se destina este curso de formação?

Este curso de formação AZTech é adequado a um vasto leque de profissionais, mas beneficiará muito:

  • Engenheiros electrotécnicos
  • Supervisores eléctricos
  • Engenheiros de energia
  • Gestores responsáveis por instalações eléctricas
  • Engenheiros de projeto

Como é que este curso de formação será apresentado?

Este curso de formação AZTech utilizará uma variedade de técnicas comprovadas de formação de adultos para garantir a máxima compreensão, entendimento e retenção da informação apresentada. Isto inclui a apresentação e discussão dos mais recentes vídeos e tecnologias sobre redes inteligentes e energias renováveis.

As perguntas são encorajadas durante todo o processo, especialmente nas sessões diárias de encerramento. Isto dá aos participantes a oportunidade de discutir com o Apresentador questões específicas e, se possível, encontrar soluções adequadas. Os objectivos específicos de cada participante serão discutidos para garantir que as suas necessidades sejam satisfeitas sempre que possível. 

O conteúdo do curso

Day One: Renewable Energy Generation - The Present, The Future and The Integration Challenges
  • Drivers of renewable energy development
  • State of the art integrating large capacities renewable energy
  • Transmission and operation technologies and practices
  • Produção de energia eólica
  • Photo voltaic power generation
  • Concentrated solar power generation
Day Two: Technical Solutions for Integrating Large Capacity Renewable Energy
  • Turbinas eólicas
  • Grid friendly renewable energy generation
  • Improved flexibility in conventional generation
  • Transmission expansion developments
  • Promising large capacity electrical energy storage technologies
  • Roles of electrical energy storage in renewable energy integration
  • Standards for large capacity electrical energy storage renewable energy integration
Day Three: Grid Flexibility - The Key to Renewable Energy Integration
  • Effects of wind and solar power on energy demand
  • Power plant flexibility
  • Forecasting and demand response
  • Wind and solar power variabilities
  • Challenges variable renewable energy poses to the grid
  • Impact of fossil fueled generators
Day Four: Integrating Renewable Energy into the Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • Approach to analysis of integrating renewable energy
  • Integration of distributed and renewal energy generation
  • Power quality impacts
  • Electrical transmission and distribution systems
  • Photo voltaic optimization and sensitivity analysis
  • Wind optimization and sensitivity analysis
Day Five: Renewable Energy Integration in Smart Grids and Micro Grids
  • Atributos da rede inteligente
  • Merits of smart grids
  • Operation of micro grids
  • Merits of micro grids
  • Future of smart micro grids
  • Sessão de encerramento e sessão de perguntas e respostas

O certificado

  • Certificado de conclusão AZTech para os delegados que frequentam e concluem o curso de formação

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