10 June 2021
The Future of Money and Banks: <br data-lazy-src=

O futuro do dinheiro e dos bancos:
Blockchain e criptomoedas

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the world has witnessed lot of financial crises starting by the 2008-2009 crash that affected top Wall Street institutes and banks, and alternatively the global economy, to the current crisis related to the covid19 pandemic and its direct impact on every market, country and governments.

It is not a coincidence that the year 2009 has perceived the creation of Bitcoin. The first cryptocurrency and one of the most trending subject nowadays. This digital currency created by the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto was a response on the economic crisis that distressed the markets and the savings of millions of people all around the world.

Based on the exponential increase of the value of Bitcoin and its market cap during the last years and the huge demand on this cryptocurrency and other alternative currencies, we can clearly notice that this new revolutionary wave started to have huge impact on both financial and banking sectors. In addition, knowing that the technology behind cryptocurrencies is Blockchain, we can see that major banking institutes around the globe started to invest highly within crypto and blockchain projects starting by research and development to pilot projects and real successful use cases application. This is the case of JP Morgan, Santander, HSBC, Societe General and others.

Further, central banks are also preparing to join the circle of crypto/blockchain players by studying the approach of central bank digital currency or CBDC that is a proprietary digital currency similar to existing bank notes or Fiat money but in a digital format. This new currency is backed and issued by each country sovereign central bank and will be considered as legal tender.

In this training course, we will discuss the new trends in the financial sector related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Starting from the deep understanding of the technology to the different type of digital currencies, alternative coins and stable coins then we will deliberate on the new trends and applications applied by major global banks around the world and their effects on a successful digital transformation within commercial banks. Attendees of this training course will be able to stress the benefits of blockchain technology on their day-to-day tasks from Know you Customer (KYC), Anti Money Laundry (AML), internal audit and other applications.

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form from us or just by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.  For more information click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited. To reserve your place, contact [email protected] or call +971 50 195 5668

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