4 August 2021
Gestão de activos: Maximizar o retorno dos investimentos de capital

Gestão de activos: Maximizar o retorno dos investimentos de capital

Are you familiar with Asset Management standards? Do you face problems in managing the integrity of your assets? Can you get the most out of your existing Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS)?

Do you need learning about tools and techniques of reliability engineering and maintenance management to sustain vital and important capital-intensive equipment? Do you rely on cost effective and trouble-free operation of your plant and equipment?

Getting the right dialogue taking place between cross functional groups such as new project, commissioning, operation & maintenance is necessary so that joined up thinking takes place, and the life cycle costs of assets are minimized. This intensive Asset Management training course will help to give focus on the drive to improve management practices by presenting standards, methodologies and guidance how to set up good asset management. This training course will feature how the international standard on Asset Management, ISO55000, can be used to implement the best and latest practices.

In this training course you will learn about:

  • The Asset Management System, Organization & Risk-based Framework specified in ISO55000 Series
  • Life Cycle Costing Advantages and Issues
  • Asset Policies & Strategies Derived from the Business Plan
  • Formulating Effective Asset Management Plans and Ensuring that they are Carried Out
  • Continuous Improvement and the Learning Organization

The training course will benefit a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit professionals in different branches who are involved in any aspect of asset management. The training is specifically designed for those professionals who want to understand, implement and improve the latest Asset Management concepts, processes and possibilities such as  project, design and maintenance management, maintenance and reliability engineering, operations, technical and quality support and consulting professionals.

At AZTech we use Senior Instructors, who deliver entertaining, attractive, high quality, value added training, most of our senior instructors have more than 20 years events on-site for oil & gas and industrial organization’s and at least 5 years via our open training courses.

Any of our senior instructors’ experience has been gained across the whole process equipment lifecycle and industries including oil & gas, engineering & other industrial factory, manufacturing, government departments.

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form from us or just by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.  For more information click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited. To reserve your place, contact [email protected] or call +971 50 195 5668


A AZTech é um dos principais fornecedores internacionais de cursos de formaçãoseminários, workshops, programas, conferências e formação interna. Estes cursos podem ser ministrados em em sala de aula ou virtual virtual. Oferecemos uma vasta gama de formação de ponta que inclui Estratégia, Gestão e Liderança, Finanças e Contabilidade, Saúde e Segurança, Recursos Humanos, Gestão de projectos, Aprovisionamento e Gestão de Contratos, Mecânica, Manutenção, & Engenharia eléctrica. O objetivo da AZTech Training é garantir que os nossos formandos recebam Formação de Qualidade Garantida e este empenho em proporcionar a melhor experiência de aprendizagem possível é demonstrado pela nossa relação de trabalho contínua com os principais organismos de certificação e de controlo profissional do mundo. Visite-nos em www.aztechtraining.com.

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