An intensive professional development training course on

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
and Loyalty with ISO 10001-10004 Compliance

Classroom Sessions

16-20 Dec 2024
London - UK
21-25 Apr 2025
Dubai - UAE
25-29 Aug 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

23-27 Sep 2024
25-29 Nov 2024
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty with ISO 10001-10004 Compliance
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Why Choose Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty with ISO 10001-10004 Compliance Training Course?

In today's competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction and loyalty are paramount for organizational success. To help you achieve and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty while adhering to international standards, we present this comprehensive training program on Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty with ISO 10001-10004 Compliance. This training course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to align your organization's practices with ISO 10001-10004 standards, fostering customer trust and loyalty.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the principles and requirements of ISO 10001-10004 standards
  • Develop and implement Codes of Conduct for customer satisfaction in line with ISO 10001
  • Effectively handle customer complaints and implement ISO 10002 compliant processes
  • Resolve customer disputes using ISO 10003 guidelines
  • Monitor and measure customer satisfaction using ISO 10004 methodologies
  • Implement continuous improvement strategies to enhance customer loyalty

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Quality managers and executives
  • Customer service managers and representatives
  • Compliance officers
  • Business process improvement specialists
  • Sales and marketing professionals
  • Anyone responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty within their organization

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The facilitator will provide interactive presentation that incorporates slides, videos, group discussion, and practical exercises to examine all aspects of the topic.

The Course Content

Day One: Introduction to ISO 10001-10004 and Customer Satisfaction Concepts
  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Understanding the Importance of Customer Satisfaction
  • Introduction to ISO 10001-10004 Standards
  • Benefits of ISO 10001-10004 Compliance
  • Principles of Customer-Centric Organizations
Day Two: ISO 10001 - Establishing Codes of Conduct for Customer Satisfaction
  • Review of ISO 10001 Requirements and Guidelines
  • Developing Codes of Conduct for Customer Satisfaction
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
  • Implementing and Communicating Codes of Conduct
  • Ensuring Compliance and Monitoring
Day Three: ISO 10002 - Handling Customer Complaints Effectively
  • Introduction to ISO 10002 Requirements and Framework
  • Customer Complaints Handling Process
  • Root Cause Analysis Techniques
  • Developing Effective Complaint Resolution Strategies
  • Corrective Action Planning
Day Four: ISO 10003 - Resolving Customer Disputes with ISO Standards
  • ISO 10003: Requirements and Principles
  • Dispute Resolution Procedures and Techniques
  • Mediation and Arbitration
  • Practical Application of ISO 10003 Guidelines
  • Real-Life Dispute Resolution Scenarios
Day Five: ISO 10004 - Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • ISO 10004 Guidelines and Framework
  • Designing Effective Customer Feedback Surveys
  • Data Analysis and Performance Metrics
  • Collecting and Analyzing Customer Feedback
  • Continuous Improvement Strategies
  • Course Review and Key Takeaways

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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