An intensive professional development training course on

Experience Perfection

for Modern Managers

Making Customer Experience your Competitive Advantage

Classroom Sessions

21-25 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Jul 2025
London - UK
20-24 Oct 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

28 Oct-01 Nov 2024
<b>Customer Experience Perfection</b> for <b>Modern Managers</b>
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Why Choose Customer Experience Perfection for Modern Managers Training Course?

Customers are more informed, connected, and empowered than ever before. In a world where customers are in control, managers must understand the importance of focusing on the customer experience (CX) and want to enhance customer value through managing the customer experience. This is a practical Customer Experience Perfection for Modern Managers training course for modern managers who want to know why, what and how to implement amazing customer experience whilst looking for practical and valuable solutions. During this Public Relations training course, managers will find pragmatic ways to improve their customers’ experience and utilize customer intelligence to competitive advantage. They will also benefit from practical ideas and real-life examples.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Essentials of customer experience
  • The concept of customer experience strategies
  • Creating and measuring customer journeys
  • Employing top customer service personnel
  • Creating a customer-focused organization

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the customer experience framework
  • Develop strategic approach for implementing CX
  • Gain the knowledge of customer journeys
  • Learn how to employ and motivate a CX team
  • Learn how to create a customer focused culture

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Customer Experience Managers / Directors / Officers
  • Head of Customer Service Department
  • Customer Relationship Managers
  • Customer Service Department Managers / Supervisors
  • Customer Satisfaction Managers / Directors / Supervisors
  • Account Managers / Team Leaders / Team Managers 
  • Other managers required to understand customer experience

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This dynamic 5-day training course, Customer Experience Perfection for Modern Managers seminar is highly interactive and encourages delegate participation through a combination of role-play exercises, group discussion, videos and up-to-date case studies. This training course will include benchmarking best practices to model world-class customer experience. Delegates will walk away from this seminar with the skills to develop the customer experience for their organisation.

The Course Content

Day One: Essentials of Customer Experience Management (CXM)
  • The five steps of CXM framework
  • The roles and responsibilities of a customer-focused manager
  • Adapting new technologies to maximize impact on CX
  • Essentials of profitable customer experience
  • Facets of customer experience
  • The seven core elements of great CX
Day Two: Developing Customer Experience Strategy for Business
  • Ten principals behind great customer experience
  • Creating your value proposition
  • Conducting customer research for benchmarking
  • Evolving and transforming CX
  • Practical steps for implementing CX innovation
  • Case study: The Lego Group
Day Three:  Designing and Measuring Customer Experience
  • Understanding clients’ needs and expectations
  • Designing customer experiences: custom loyalty matrix
  • Mapping the customer journey
  • Understanding emotions in customer experience
  • Key customer metrics and effective measuring
  • Case study: The Apple customer experience
Day Four:  Hiring Top Customer Service Personnel
  • Using BEST approach for hiring CX team
  • Building CX Knowledge in the workforce
  • Managing your CX Team
  • Recognizing and rewarding performance
  • Equipping and supporting teams for success
  • Case Study: Cemex
Day Five: Creating Customer-Focused Organisation
  • The role and responsibility of customer-focused organization
  • Organizational requirements for SXM
  • Creating customer-focused corporate culture
  • Customer experience vs. employee Experience
  • Best Practices - Xerox’ Five Pillars of customer-focused strategy
  • Action plan

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the course

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